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Location: Home / Technology / Williamsport senior headed to National SkillsUSA competition

Williamsport senior headed to National SkillsUSA competition

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Williamsport, Pa. —Among the 11 Williamsport Area High School students who competed in the 2022 SkillsUSA State Championships in Hershey last month, one is set to compete at the national level.

Senior Raymond Hartman placed first in the medical math category, earning him a spot at the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference in Atlanta, Ga., in June.

“Competing at the state level is an accomplishment,” said Matt Fisher, director of the high school’s career and technical education program. “Earning the opportunity to represent the biotechnology program, WAHS and the state of Pennsylvania at a national competition is truly exceptional. We are proud of Raymond and wish him continued success in Atlanta.”

Contestants in the medical math category demonstrate their knowledge of general math concepts used in the healthcare fields. They complete a written test that may include the use of ratio/proportion, dosage calculation, metric and household equivalents, Roman numerals, abbreviations, and general math including percentages, among other medical math-related problems.

According to the SkillsUSA: “More than 6,500 outstanding career and technical education students — all state contest winners — will compete hands-on in 108 different trade, technical and leadership fields. Students work against the clock and each other, proving their expertise in occupations such as electronics, computer-aided drafting, precision machining, medical assisting and culinary arts.

Contests are run with the help of industry, trade associations and labor organizations, and test competencies are set by industry. Leadership contestants will demonstrate skills including extemporaneous speaking and conducting meetings by parliamentary procedure.”

Williamsport senior headed to National SkillsUSA competition

Other WAHS contestants who competed at the state event in their respective categories were: Chandra Apker, Advertising Art; Matthew Mitstifer, Information Technology Service; Ben Pennings, CNC (Computer Numerical Controls) Milling Specialist; Amalie Robertson, Pin Design; Madison Waugh, Early Childhood Education; Emily Scaife, T-shirt Design; and Quiz Bowl team contestants Gavin Bowers, Blake Forker, Garrett Laver and Jayden Ulmer.

“SkillsUSA is a national student organization that develops employability, participatory and leadership skills to complement the occupational skills developed by students in technical education classrooms or work-based learning sites,” according to its website. “SkillsUSA is an integral part of approved technical education occupation programs.”

WAHS has 15 workforce development courses made available to students through its Career and Technical Education program.

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