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5G and cloud computing and the era of virtual business practices

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By Sumana Iyengar, CEO & Co-Founder, Goavega Software Pvt. Ltd

The 5th generation of wireless technology is set to redefine business networks with its widespread application in multiple areas of communication and data processing. 5G is a welcome force especially for cloud dependent businesses, thanks to its key benefits such as low latency, high speeds and greater capacity. Cloud computing is an integral part of IT infrastructures today and the rollout of 5G is set to accelerate digitization in modern enterprises.

The combination of 5G and cloud computing can yield multiple benefits for enterprises in terms of quicker collaboration and increased productivity. 5G can change the cloud computing landscape by adding new architectures and technologies such as Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC), Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) and others. This article will help you gain a deeper understanding of 5G technology and its implications for cloud computing.

What is 5G and why is it important?

5G is an improvement to the current cellular technology characterized by greater bandwidth and speed. With the world moving towards digital platforms and virtual business practices gaining momentum, 5G technology is set to further revolutionize communication. Cloud computing is the key to healthy IT infrastructures in organizations and 5G technology plays a pivotal role in empowering businesses with real-time data ingestion capabilities. A 5G network allows for enhanced synchronization across different systems. Conducting business operations virtually requires high speed data storage and transfer capabilities and 5G technology is an effective solution to the latency issues encountered by enterprises today.

Given the amount of data processed by enterprises on a daily basis, ultra-fast transmission rates are the need of the hour. 5G cloud computing, in simple terms, is transmitting data at a higher speed. 5G technology will be a core ally for the cloud in achieving data storage and transmission goals with comparatively less resources. 5G technology results in improved functionalities for cloud computing.

How does 5G transform cloud computing?

1. 5G enables faster streaming of data and analytics

5G and cloud computing and the era of virtual business practices

Faster data transfers is one of the key advantages of 5G technology. Cloud computing powered by 5G technology will facilitate faster real-time streaming of data. It will be a major boost for virtual business practices as 5G cloud computing will facilitate uninterrupted storage and streaming in real time, enhancing productivity to a significant extent.

2. Streamlined operations with high speeds and reliability

5G technology is crucial to process the vast amount of data from multiple sources in real-time. This is of vital significance in supply chain and manufacturing industries where time-sensitive data is integral to drive efficient operations. 5G technology can significantly lower the costs of Big data analysis and streamline industrial operations by managing remote, variable workloads.

3. Enables edge computing with enhanced remote system performance

Cloud computing linked to a 5G network opens up possibilities for edge computing. Any backhaul latency associated with central data centers can be addressed with edge computing. Edge computing enhances remote system performance by reducing bandwidth usage, network congestion and processing larger volumes of data by means of localizing data storage.

4. Enhanced Artificial intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities

The use of 5G technology will result in improved competence of artificial intelligence technologies. While cloud computing enables businesses to leverage key technologies like AI and NLP, the support of a robust 5G powered network will be significant to unlock the true potential of these technologies. 5G will equip the cloud environment with the required level of data transmission for these technologies to work effectively.

5. Better security systems

Alongside facilitating smooth transfer of data, 5G powered cloud can also help enhance security and prevent cyber-attacks. Enterprises can better recognize and prevent cyber-attacks which is crucial in today’s era. Plus, the remote work culture and growing virtual business practices necessitate the implementation of top security measures that can be achieved with 5G powered cloud computing.

The introduction of 5G networks will immensely expand the potential and business significance of cloud computing in many ways. While cloud computing has been pivotal in accelerating digital transformation for businesses, cloud computing powered by 5G technology will enable businesses to be more responsive and better match real time demands. Hence, for businesses, it is important to partner with and enlist expert Cloud computing service providers who are well versed and experienced in modernizing or customizing exiting cloud infrastructure to meet the demands of 5G network, so as to ensure you can leverage the maximum benefits of the new technology. In this era of virtual business practices, 5G powered cloud computing undoubtedly would be a crucial factor determining business success and bottom lines.
