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As 10 principais ferramentas de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede em 2022

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As ferramentas de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede são plataformas de software que se conectam com componentes de rede e outros sistemas de TI para medir, analisar e relatar a topologia, desempenho e saúde da rede.Este artigo discute as principais funcionalidades necessárias em uma ferramenta de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede.Ele também compartilha uma lista das 10 principais ferramentas que você pode implantar em 2022.


O que é uma ferramenta de gerenciamento de rede e monitoramento?

Network management and monitoring tools are defined as on-premise or cloud-based software platforms that connect with network components and other IT systems to measure, analyze, and report on network topology, performance, and health.

A rede forma a espinha dorsal de infraestrutura essencial de uma empresa moderna.Ele conecta vários sites operacionais, dispositivos e sistemas para manter as operações on -line em execução.Tudo, desde a presença comercial baseada na Web até a colaboração virtual e o desenvolvimento de aplicativos, depende da rede.Uma ferramenta de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede visualiza a topologia de rede usando mapas interativos, monitora métricas críticas em tempo real e gera relatórios ad-hoc e programados para fornecer conectividade ininterrupta.

Como funciona uma ferramenta de monitoramento de rede

Existem várias razões pelas quais as empresas investem em gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede:

Como resultado, as ferramentas de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede são itens básicos para as funções de TI corporativa.Vejamos agora os principais recursos dessas ferramentas que ajudam a alcançar os benefícios acima.

See More: What Is a Computer Network? Definition, Objectives, Components, Types, and Best Practices

Principais funcionalidades obrigatórias de uma ferramenta de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede

Existem cinco funcionalidades principais que você precisa procurar ao selecionar uma ferramenta de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede:

Principais funcionalidades de uma ferramenta de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede

1. análise detalhada

Analítica e relatórios de dados estão no centro do monitoramento da rede.A ferramenta escolhida deve avaliar o desempenho da rede em relação às principais métricas, como latência e velocidade.Também deve gerar informações específicas de localização e dispositivo com mapeamento preciso de tendências.Dependendo do seu ambiente, você pode selecionar e projetar suas consultas de análise.

2. ampla compatibilidade

A ferramenta deve ser compatível com a maior variedade possível de redes e componentes de infraestrutura de TI.Isso inclui aplicativos de software e aparelhos de rede baseados em hardware (por exemplo, um firewall físico ou dispositivo de segurança).Além disso, você poderá monitorar a conectividade de rede e o status de conectividade em tempo real para máquinas virtuais fornecidas pelos principais fornecedores como o VMware.

3. painéis simplificados

Os painéis são como você verá as informações de saúde e desempenho da rede diariamente.Embora os relatórios de dados possam ser longos e detalhados, os painéis devem apresentar informações concisas para o entendimento de uma geração.É por isso que você precisa de visualizações de dados inteligentes que descrevam as idéias mais relevantes e imediatas em um formato de linguagem natural compreensível.

4. Alertas personalizáveis

A ferramenta de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede deve enviar alertas sempre que houver um evento de rede incomum, um limite violado ou uma desconexão do dispositivo.Você deve personalizar alertas para receber apenas as informações desejadas.Além disso, você poderá configurar canais de alerta personalizados, como email, SMS e notificações push.Isso ajudará a reduzir o ruído de alerta e fornecerá apenas dados valiosos.

5. Várias interfaces de usuário

Essa é uma função cada vez mais importante para as empresas modernas.Os profissionais de TI podem precisar monitorar e verificar as redes em movimento, mesmo quando estão longe de suas estações de trabalho.À medida que mais organizações mudam para o trabalho remoto e híbrido a longo prazo, várias interfaces de usuário permitem que as equipes de TI usem seus smartphones e tablets para gerenciar operações de rede de qualquer local.

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As 10 principais ferramentas de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede em 2022

O mercado de sistemas de gerenciamento de rede foi avaliado em US $ 6,7 bilhões em 2020, e espera -se que cruze US $ 12 bilhões até 2027, segundo relatos da Statista.Você precisa das melhores ferramentas de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede para sua empresa obter uma visão precisa, abrangente, em tempo real e acionável da sua rede.Aqui estão as 10 principais ferramentas que podem ajudá -lo a conseguir isso.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Esta lista é baseada em informações publicamente disponíveis e pode incluir sites de fornecedores que vendem para empresas médias a grande.Os leitores são aconselhados a conduzir sua pesquisa final para garantir o melhor ajuste para suas necessidades organizacionais únicas.

1. Auvik

As 10 principais ferramentas de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede em 2022

Overview: Auvik is a Canadian software company that builds monitoring tools for enterprise networks, security, and other IT infrastructure components.

Key features: The key features of Auvik include:

USP: Auvik has a robust API library. This makes it dramatically simple to integrate third-party applications and set up automated workflows.

Pricing: Pricing starts at $150 per month, and you can avail of a free trial.

Editorial comments: Auvik is a relatively simple and easy-to-use network management and monitoring tool that can be deployed without hassle. But keep in mind that it is relatively new in the market, which means that the documentation may not be updated.


Overview: Domotz is a remote IT monitoring solutions provider based in the U.S. It was founded in 2015 with a presence in 90+ countries.

Key features: The key features of Domotz include:

USP: Domotz is a plug-and-play solution and among the few to support non-IP gateway-connected devices. This means that customers can benefit from a 10-minute setup process and automated discovery.

Pricing: Domotz costs £19 (approximately $25) per month per site.

Editorial comments: Shared service organizations and managed service providers can utilize Domotz’s branding and client management capabilities to run their business. However, customers report a few minor bugs like the occasional accidental logout and the inability to mute alerts.

3. Monitoramento de desempenho da rede Datadog

Overview: Datadog is a U.S.-based company that provides observability tools for cloud applications, servers, databases, and network infrastructure. It is traded on the NASDAQ.

Key features: The key features of Datadog include:

USP: Datadog’s network monitoring tool has powerful correlation capabilities. This lets you find and resolve the root cause behind network and application issues without delay.

Pricing: The Network Performance Monitoring module is priced at $5 per host per month, and the Network Device Monitoring module is priced at $7 per device per month.

Editorial comments: Datadog conveniently separates network management and monitoring into service performance and device components. But you may face challenges during setup as the documentation for some of the integrations is outdated. Its heavy use of cloud resources may also cause unexpected costs.

4. entusiasmo

Overview: Entuity is a network monitoring software by the U.S.-based company Park Place Technologies. The company also offers managed services for enterprise networks.

Key features: The key features of Entuity include:

USP: Entuity comes with 100+ pre-built reports, automation features, and default rules for noise reduction. This makes it ready to deploy and use out of the box.

Pricing: Entuity is custom-priced, but you can avail of a free trial.

Editorial comments: Thanks to the managed services provided by Park Place Technologies, customers can implement a holistic solution from deployment and monitoring to maintenance. But if you are looking to take full ownership of the tool in-house, keep in mind that large installations can be complex, and patch management takes time.


Overview: ManageEngine is the IT management software division of the Indian technology company Zoho. It offers 100+ paid and free products.

Key features: The key features of ManageEngine include:

USP: It has a handy threshold calculation feature that is easy to set up. Once you have defined the threshold value for server or system health, OpManager will trigger an alert and generate alarms to bring the issue to your attention.

Pricing: ManageEngine OpManager costs $245 for the Standard Edition on ten devices, $345 for the Professional Edition on ten machines, and$11,545 for the Enterprise Edition on 250 devices.

Editorial comments: Despite being a simple network management and monitoring tool, ManageEngine has powerful features like AIOps and workflow automation. But users note that it may overlook some devices in your environment, and there is no sensor for AWS and Azure metrics.

See More: What Is Software-Defined Networking (SDN)? Definition, Architecture, and Applications

6. Monitor de rede PRTG

Overview: PRTG is a network managing and monitoring tool from Paessler, the German infrastructure monitoring technology company.

Key features: The key features of PRTG Network Monitor include:

USP: PRTG Network Monitor has an accessible failover solution for every on-premise license. As a result, you never lose access to your network management dashboard.

Pricing: PRTG starts at $1,750 per server for a perpetual license.

Editorial comments: PRTG is among the few solutions available to offer perpetual on-premise licenses, suitable for large, complex environments. However, there are multiple components to set up and configure, making implementation time-consuming.

7. Nagios xi

Overview: Nagios XI is a network management tool by U.S.-based Nagios Enterprises. It is built on an open-source network and infrastructure monitoring tool called Nagios, launched in 2002.

Key features: The key features of Nagios XI include:

USP: Nagios is built on an open-source architecture. This provides you with greater flexibility, customizability, and extensibility.

Pricing: Pricing for Nagios XI starts at $1,995.

Editorial comments: Nagios is an ideal network management and monitoring tool for technology startups and digital service providers with a large developer community. However, users have noted that the freemium version is limited and powerful, forcing them to upgrade.

8. Monitor de desempenho da rede Solarwinds

Overview: SolarWinds is a U.S.-based, multinational company developing monitoring tools for enterprise networks, systems, and IT infrastructure. It is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

Key features: The key features of SolarWinds include:

USP: SolarWinds offers you several proprietary technologies and alliances with key vendors. It also helps visualize and analyze critical network pathways.

Pricing: Pricing starts at $1,638.

Editorial comments: For companies looking to adopt a holistic network and infrastructure management solution, SolarWinds has an extensive portfolio of products, including ipMonitor for smaller environments. But it may consume a lot of your compute resources, and it is advisable to get SolarWinds personnel to configure the solution as needed.

9. Painel de conectividade Spiceworks

Overview: SpiceWorks is a U.S.-based information technology company that develops tools, frameworks, and resources for the IT professionals community.

Key features: The key features of Spiceworks Connectivity Dashboard include:

USP: Spiceworks Connectivity Dashboard is one of the few free network management and monitoring tools. It is also closely integrated with the rest of its product offerings.

Pricing: It is available for free.

Editorial comments: Companies starting with network monitoring can use this tool as a free, simple, and effective solution. However, it may lack granular features, and the degree of customization for alerts is also limited.

10. Whatsup Gold

Overview: WhatsUp Gold is a network monitoring and management tool initially developed by Ipswitch in the U.S. Ipswitch was recently acquired by Progress Software traded on the NASDAQ.

Key features: The key features of WhatsUp Gold include:

USP: WhatsUp Gold features an add-on virtualization monitoring module. This enables network discovery, monitoring, and analytics reports for small virtual environments and complete data centers without investing in a separate solution.

Pricing: Pricing starts at $2,740 for 25 devices.

Editorial comments: WhatsUp comes with multiple editions and licensing options (including a points-based licensing system) to suit various enterprise needs. But it isn’t an agentless tool, which adds to your set-up efforts. Customers have also noted that the GUI could be more intuitive.

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Comparação de produtos das ferramentas de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede

Aqui estão os destaques dessas 10 principais ferramentas de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede:

About the companyUSPPricing
Auvik It is a Canadian company that builds IT, network, and security monitoring tools. It has a robust API library that simplifies integration and automation. Pricing starts at $150 per month.
Domotz It is a U.S.-based company with a presence in 90+ countries. It is a plug-and-play solution, which can be set up in 10 minutes. It costs approximately $25 per month per site.
Datadog It is a U.S.-Based, NASDAQ traded observability tools provider. It correlates network issues with application issues to speed up root cause analysis. Pricing starts at $5 per month for performance monitoring and $7 per month for device monitoring.
Entuity It is powered by the U.S.-based software company Park Place, which also provides managed services. It has 100+ pre-built reports, automation features, default noise rules, etc., which can be used out of the box. It is custom-priced with a free trial.
ManageEngine It is part of Zoho, an Indian technology company that targets SMBs. It has a threshold calculation feature that triggers an alarm. Pricing starts at $245.
PRTG Network Monitor It is a tool built by the German technology company Paessler. It has a free failover solution, never to lose access to your network management dashboard. Pricing starts at $1,750 per server for perpetual licenses.
Nagios XI It is a commercial tool built on the open-source infrastructure monitoring solution, Nagios, launched in 2002. Its open-source architecture drives flexibility and extensibility while operating out of a Linux environment.Pricing starts at $1,995.
SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor SolarWinds is a multinational monitoring tools company traded on the NYSE. It offers proprietary technologies like PerfStack™, NetPath™, and Orion® Maps and simplifies critical path analysis. Pricing starts at $1,638.
Spiceworks Connectivity Dashboard It is a U.S.-based company that develops tools, frameworks, and resources for IT pros. It is a free network management and monitoring tool that integrates with other Spiceworks offerings. It is available for free.
WhatsUp Gold It was initially built by Ipswitch, which was recently acquired by Progress. It supports add-on modules such as virtualization monitoring, failover management, and more without investing in a separate solution. Pricing starts at $2,740 for 25 devices.

Takeaway -chave

Uma pesquisa de 2021 da Enterprise Management Associates descobriu que as empresas estão aumentando seu gerenciamento de rede e monitorando investimentos para acompanhar um mundo de trabalho híbrido.52,6% precisam de novos painéis e recursos de relatórios, enquanto 32% procuram melhorar as correlações de insight.As dez ferramentas que discutimos ajudam a atingir esses objetivos a um custo gerenciável e previsível sem comprometer o desempenho.As empresas devem realizar pesquisas completas, avaliar suas necessidades exclusivas e considerar as cinco funcionalidades obrigatórias que discutimos para selecionar uma ferramenta eficaz de gerenciamento e monitoramento de rede em 2022.

Do you plan to invest more in network management in the coming quarters? Tell us on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook. We would love to hear from you!

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