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Emplacement: Accueil / Technologie / La probation pénale de PG&E se termine au milieu des inquiétudes de la sécurité en cours

La probation pénale de PG&E se termine au milieu des inquiétudes de la sécurité en cours

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The nation's largest utility, Pacific Gas & Electric, is poised to emerge from five years of criminal probation amid worries that it remains too dangerous to be trusted.

By Associated Press
Jan. 24, 2022
By Associated Press
Jan. 24, 2022, at 12:46 p.m.

PG&E's Criminal Probation to End Amid Ongoing Safety Worries


Dossier - En ce samedi, décembre.16, 2017, image de fichier tirée de la vidéo fournie par le service d'incendie du comté de Santa Barbara, les incendies de spot brûlent près des lignes électriques alors que la fumée lourde remplit l'air d'un incendie de forêt à Santa Barbara, en Californie. The nation's largest utility, Pacific Gas & Electric is poised to emerge from five years of criminal probation amid worries that it remains too dangerous to be trusted.Au cours des cinq années, le service public est devenu une force encore plus destructrice.Plus de 100 personnes sont mortes et des milliers de maisons et d'entreprises ont été incinérées dans des incendies de forêt déclenchés par son équipement à cette époque.(Mike Eliason / Santa Barbara County Fire Department via AP, fichier) L'Associated Press

Par Michael Liedtke, écrivain d'affaires AP

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Pacific Gas & Electric is poised to emerge from five years of criminal probation, despite worries that nation’s largest utility remains too dangerous to trust after years of devastation from wildfires ignited by its outdated equipment and neglectful management.

The probation, set to expire at midnight Tuesday, was supposed to rehabilitate PG&E after its 2016 conviction for six felony crimes from a 2010 explosion triggered by its natural gas lines that blew up a San Bruno neighborhood and killed eight people.

Instead, PG&E became an even more destructive force.Depuis 2017, le service public est blâmé pour plus de 30 incendies de forêt qui ont anéanti plus de 23 000 maisons et entreprises et ont tué plus de 100 personnes.

“In these five years, PG&E has gone on a crime spree and will emerge from probation as a continuing menace to California," U.S.Le juge de district William Alsup a écrit dans un rapport examinant sa surveillance de l'utilité.

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While on probation, PG&E pleaded guilty to 84 felony counts of involuntary manslaughter for a 2018 wildfire that wiped out the town of Paradise, about 170 miles (275 kilometers) northeast of San Francisco. Now PG&E faces more criminal charges in two separate cases, for a Sonoma County wildfire in 2019 and a Shasta County fire in 2020. PG&E has denied any criminal wrongdoing in those fires.

Des accusations criminelles encore plus potentielles. California regulators already have linked PG&E to the massive Dixie Fire last year, when a tree is believed to have hit the utility's distribution lines in the Sierra Nevada — part of a sprawling, often rugged service territory covering 16 million Northern Californian customers.

La probation pénale de PG&E se termine au milieu des inquiétudes de la sécurité en cours

During its probation, PG&E also plunged into bankruptcy for the second time in less than 20 years. Before emerging from bankruptcy last year, PG&E reached settlements of more than $25.5 milliards, dont 13 $.5 milliards affectés aux victimes de feux de forêt qui peuvent ne pas échouer le montant initialement promis.

PG&E's conduct prompted its court-appointed monitor, Mark Filip, to raise alarms about the utility's wildfire prevention efforts, though he applauded the “sustained and substantial" improvements in its natural gas operations.

“We doubt anyone would seriously contend PG&E’s performance has been adequate, or that substantial improvement is not still imperative," Filip's team wrote in a report filed with Alsup late last year.

PG&E, a 117-year-old company, generates about $20 billion in revenue annually while serving a 70,000-square-mile (181,300-square-kilometer) service area in the northern and central part of California that includes farmland, forests, big cities and the world's technology hub in Silicon Valley.

Alsup, who repeatedly excoriated PG&E during its probation, last year signaled he was interested in keeping the utility under his watch.Mais il a laissé tomber l'idée plus tôt ce mois-ci après le U.S. Attorney's Office filed documents saying it didn't plan to seek an extension of PG&E's probation, citing the “unique history and circumstances" of the case.

“We have tried hard to rehabilitate PG&E," Alsup wrote in his final report.«En tant que juge de district superviseur, je dois reconnaître l'échec."

Alsup declined an interview request from The Associated Press to elaborate on his concerns about PG&E.

Catherine Sandoval, an energy professor at Santa Clara University and a former California power regulator, believes Alsup was far too hard on himself, although she agrees PG&E hasn't proven it should be freed from supervision. She blames federal prosecutors for backing off an attempt to extend PG&E's probation because “there appears to be no binding case law on this point," according to the U.S.Rapport de l'avocat.

“If there was ever a test case for whether a company's probation can be extended, PG&E is it," Sandoval asserted during an interview.Elle a également combattu sans succès pour tenir une audience pour étendre la probation du service.

Noah Stern, the federal prosecutor handling PG&E's probation, didn't respond to a request for comment.

While acknowledging its problems, PG&E claimed in a report to the judge that its electricity grid is “fundamentally safer" now than in January 2017.Il a également défendu environ 40 000 employés et entrepreneurs qui entretiennent ses opérations.

“Vilifying them and threatening to criminalize the exercise of professional judgment or the making of honest mistakes serves neither safety nor fairness, and instead severely detracts from PG&E’s efforts to bring the skills of the best and brightest to bear on stopping wildfires," PG&E lawyers wrote."Nous sommes tous là dedans."

As signs of its progress, PG&E cited the more than 3.3 millions d'arbres près de son équipement qui ont été coupés ou retirés au cours des deux dernières années.

Le service public dit qu'il dépense maintenant 1 $.4 milliards par an pour couper ou éliminer les arbres, contre 400 millions de dollars par an en 2017. But Alsup estimated PG&E still has a seven-year backlog of high-risk trees that need trimming or removal.

La société a également cité une refonte radicale de son conseil d'administration et de sa direction, notamment en faisant appel à Patricia Poppe en tant que nouveau PDG l'année dernière. Poppe, a former Michigan utility executive, became PG&E's fifth CEO in five years, part of an unusually high turnover rate that the company's federal monitor said makes reform more difficult.

“We know there is more to do," PG&E's lawyers told Alsup in their final probationary report.«Ce ne sont pas seulement des mots sur une page ou une affiche, ils sont un engagement à faire les choses correctement et à rendre les Californiens en sécurité."

PG&E declined further comment about the end of its probation.

Sandoval, who was among the regulators overseeing PG&E as a commissioner for the California Public Utilities Commission from 2011 to 2017, accused PG&E officials of being mired in a pattern of “cognitive immaturity" and “lazy thinking" that should require its executives and board to submit to counseling.

“PG&E, the corporation, needs the training an individual criminal defendant would have received in prison to break the cycle of criminal thinking that endangers public safety," Sandoval wrote in her in brief to Alsup.

In his separate report, Filip suggested California consider regulatory changes or new approaches to keep PG&E in check.

The federal monitor cautioned that in PG&E’s service territory, the consequences of a single misstep — a missed hazard tree, the failure to replace corroded hardware on power lines — can be “death and destruction."

Copyright 2022 L'Associated Press.Tous les droits sont réservés.Ce matériel ne peut pas être publié, diffusé, réécrit ou redistribué.

Tags: Associated Press, Business, Wild Incendie, Natural Disasters, Crime, Californie

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