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Emplacement: Accueil / Technologie / Micreos nomme Joost Goderie en tant que directeur financier et membre du conseil d'administration

Micreos nomme Joost Goderie en tant que directeur financier et membre du conseil d'administration

Plateforme de services à guichet unique |

Micreos CEO Mark Offerhaus said: "We are very pleased to welcome Joost on board. He has a strategic and practical mind, and his M&A and private equity background will be invaluable as we bring our game-changing anti-bacterial technology out to the world, in the face of the 'hidden pandemic' of antibiotic resistance."

"J'ai le privilège de rejoindre une équipe de leadership innovante axée sur l'invente de solutions de santé qui contribuent à l'avenir de l'humanité. Grâce à sa technologie exceptionnelle, Micreos est déjà le leader dans le domaine des thérapies biologiques ciblées et je suis ravi de travailler avec l'équipePour réaliser la stratégie de croissance de l'entreprise et les objectifs financiers ", a déclaré Joost Goderie.

About MicreosMicreos develops targeted antibacterial technology set to replace antibiotics. Looking for safer, healthier and more sustainable solutions, the company's researchers, in close collaboration with the Swiss Federal Technology Institute ETH Zurich, turned to nature's own precision anti-bacterials, called endolysins. These highly-specific enzymes target only unwanted bacteria while preserving the microbiome, comprising of billions of 'good' bacteria essential to our health. With headquarters in The Hague, The Netherlands, Micreos runs its Endolysin Technology Centre Zurich in Wädenswil (CH) and operates three business units in The Netherlands and Switzerland: Pharma, OTC and Food. Micreos Pharma focuses on anti S. aureus endolysins for atopic dermatitis, diabetic wound infections, bloodstream infections and CTCL, a type of skin cancer associated with the colonisation of S. aureus. Gladskin is Micreos's game-changing OTC brand for people with inflammatory skin conditions such as acne, eczema and rosacea. Phageguard represents Micreos Food Safety's contribution to safer food, based on targeted prevention of dangerous food pathogens such as Salmonella and Listeria.

 Micreos appoints Joost Goderie as CFO and member of the Board of Directors

Source Micreos