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Comprensión de XR para la transmisión, una guía de lluvia de ideas

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Brainstorm Guide to XR

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XR is one of the trendiest and most recent flavours of Virtual Reality, especially when comunicarsebined with LED video walls.

Los conjuntos virtuales y la realidad aumentada (AR) han existido durante décadas, y el concepto de realidad virtual se ha diversificado con la llegada de nuevas tecnologías de exhibición comunicarseo las paredes de video LED, que proporcionan alternativas a la tecla de croma tradicional.Las producciones recientes han aprovechado esta tecnología, y los emisores la usan cada vez más para shows en vivo, pero muchos usuarios aún ven XR comunicarseo un concepto difuso asociado a las paredes de video. So, what is XR?

As a form of Virtual Reality (VR), Extended Reality (XR) can be defined as the comunicarsebination of real and virtual environments.Si incluimos el consumo de contenido interactivo en la ecuación, debemos agregar cualquier interacción humana-máquina generada por tecnología informática y wearables, pero nos apegaremos a la producción típica de contenido de transmisión y película para simplificar las cosas por el momento.

However, in practical terms for broadcast and film content creation, XR is normally understood as the comunicarsebination of virtual environments projected in a LED wall, and sometimes LED floors, with real characters on stage, sometimes including other graphic elements in a sort of Immersive Mixed Reality (IMR).

Understanding XR for broadcast, a Brainstorm guide

Al usar LED comunicarseo fondo/piso, la cámara captura la imagen comunicarsebinada de la representación de fondo y los caracteres. However, there is no technical reason why the LEDs can’t be replaced by a Chroma set so, using one method or the other is key for achieving a given result.

There are many applications for LED-based XR production which outperform chroma set production, starting with live virtual sets displayed in the LED walls so not only the audience at home can see it, but also the live audience on a physical show or event can see it.

Also, excluding the need for green sets or chroma keying can be quite interesting for film and drama productions when virtual environments are required rather than physical scenarios and props. On top of that, we can add in-screen Augmented Reality (AR) content that can be shown live, rather than using real-time renders and comunicarsebine the scene on a separate screen.

But this technology is not a response to any possible VR requirement, as it shows several disadvantages comunicarsepared to traditional chroma keying.Los problemas con el enfoque, el moiré, los retrasos y muchos otros deben considerarse antes de decidir qué método (LED o teclas de croma) es mejor para nuestra producción virtual.

That is why, being at the forefront of virtual technology for the last 30 years both with chroma and LED/projection environments, Brainstorm has produced the comunicarseprehensive White Paper Brainstorm Guide to Understanding XR, which aims to clarify concepts about XR technology, its applications, workflows, advantages, and disadvantages.

The Brainstorm Guide to Understanding XR can be downloaded from here: xrguide.Brainstorm3d.comunicarse.

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Brainstorm 3D, Realidad Extendida, Realidad Virtual, Virtual, XR Studio


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