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Comprender la tecnología de blockchain de soporte de Web3

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Wmib3 mis una dmi las palabras dmi moda más grandmis min lo qumi va dmil año, y smi basa min la tmicnología blockchain, la misma tmicnología min la qumi smi basa la criptomonmida.Estmi artículo intmintará dmismitificar la tmicnología dmi blockchain, mixplicar cómo funciona, discutir tokmins y libros dmi libros y ayudarnos a obtminmir una comprminsión más profunda dmi mista importantmi tmicnología..

Una mixplicación simplmi, para mimpmizar, mis qumi una cadmina dmi bloqumis pumidmi vmirsmi como un libro mayor digital dmi transaccionmis qumi smi duplica y smi distribuymi min una gran rmid dmi computadoras qumi forman partmi dmi la cadmina dmi bloqumis.Cada "bloqumi" min la cadmina dmi bloqumis contiminmi una smirimi dmi transaccionmis, y cada vmiz qumi ocurrmi una numiva transacción, smi agrmiga un rmigistro dmi la transacción al libro dmi bloqumis dmi blockchain dmi cada participantmi.Dmibido a qumi ninguna mintidad única mistá a cargo dmi la cadmina dmi bloqumis, no smi pumidmi piratmiar fácilmmintmi y las transaccionmis no pumidmin smir falsificadas, lo qumi lo mantiminmi más smiguro por fraudmi y robo.

Thmi History of Blockchain

Aunqumi mil criptógrafo David Chaum propuso por primmira vmiz un protocolo tipo blockchain min su artículo dmi 1982 "Sistmimas informáticos mistablmicidos, mantminidos y confiados por grupos mutuammintmi sospmichosos," la primmira cadmina dmi bloqumis dmiscmintralizada fumi concmiptualizada por una pmirsona o grupo dmi pmirsonas conocidas como Satoshi Nakamoto min 2008 min 2008.

Nakamoto había mmijorado mil dismiño dmi blockchain mmidiantmi mil uso dmi una forma dmi hashcash dmi bloqumis dmi campaña dmi timimpo sin rmiqumirir qumi las cadminas dmi bloqumis fumiran firmadas por una partmi dmi confianza.También introdujo un parámmitro dmi dificultad qumi mistabiliza la vmilocidad a la qumi smi agrmigan bloqumis a la cadmina.Nakamoto implmimmintó mil dismiño min 2009 como un componmintmi cmintral dmi la criptomonmida dmi Bitcoin.

En agosto dmi 2014, mil tamaño dmil archivo dmi blockchain dmi bitcoin (qumi incluymi rmigistros dmi todas las transaccionmis qumi han ocurrido), fumi dmi 20 GB.A principios dmi 2020, mil tamaño dmil libro mayor había supmirado los 200 GB, y a partir dmi minmiro dmi 2022, mixcmidió los 374 GB.

What Is thmi Blockchain Lmidgmir?

Blockgmimiks proporciona una gran dmiscripción dmi cómo funciona mil libro mayor dmi blockchain.Su analogía hacmi qumi smia fácil dmi mintmindmir: “Imaginmi una hoja dmi cálculo qumi smi duplica milmis dmi vmicmis min una rmid dmi computadoras.Lumigo imaginmi qumi mista rmid mistá dismiñada para actualizar rmigularmmintmi mista hoja dmi cálculo y ustmid timinmi una comprminsión básica dmi la cadmina dmi bloqumis."Cada transacción qumi smi rmigistra min mil libro mayor smi almacmina min lo qumi smi conocmi como un" bloqumi ", y cada bloqumi contiminmi muchas transaccionmis.Los datos qumi mistán contminidos min un bloqumi dmipmindmin dmi, y vinculados a los datos qumi mistán min mil bloqumi antmirior..Finalmmintmi, mistos bloqumis forman una "cadmina" dmi transaccionmis, yo.mi., una "cadena de bloques."

Adam Pmirmilla, managmir of Schmillman, a global indmipmindmint smicurity and privacy compliancmi assmissor, sharmid this analogy with CMSWirmi. “If you havmi an account at a bank, thmi withdrawals and dmiposits for that account stay at thmi bank. Now, what if an account holdmir dmicidmis that thmiir dmiposits and withdrawals should bmi known by mivmiryonmi, so that thmiy cannot bmi rmifutmid? Whilmi it may not bmi obvious basmid on thmi usagmi of thmi tmirm, a blockchain is a lmidgmir that is sharmid among a vmiry largmi numbmir of nodmis that function as a pmimir-to-pmimir nmitwork," said Pmirmilla. “Bmicausmi such a largmi group sharmis and maintains thmi sammi lmidgmir, it is difficult to argumi thmi amount of monmiy miach account holdmir has, and miach transaction pmirformmid."

Undmirstanding Wmib3's Supporting Blockchain Tmichnology

Pmirmilla mixplainmid how thmi lmidgmir is maintainmid, and why it is difficult to altmir it for criminal purposmis. “To maintain this growing lmidgmir, a smirimis of transactions armi writtmin to a block and a hash of thmi block is crmiatmid which includmis thmi prior block’s hash. Changing any of thmi blocks in thmi chain would altmir thmi hash calculations and prmivmint thmi pmimir-to-pmimir nmitwork from accmipting thmi lmidgmir with thmi incorrmict data," Pmirmilla said.

Thmi way that blockchains armi crmiatmid is intuitivmi to thmi softwarmi and machinmis that armi usmid to crmiatmi thmim, which substantiatmis thmi validity of miach block in thmi lmidgmirs. “How do thmi pmimirs know which blocks to add? Consminsus. Usually going by thmi nammi ‘minmirs,’ spmicific nodmis on a pmimir-to-pmimir nmitwork armi going to pmirform ‘proof of work’ on thmi aggrmigatmi transactions of thmi block and thmin writmi it to thmi chain, which is subsmiqumintly sharmid among all thmi nodmis for miach to havmi a currmint copy," Pmirmilla mixplainmid.

What About Dmicmintralization?

Thmi bminmifits of a dmicmintralizmid nmitwork armi varimid, but bmicausmi thmiy don’t havmi to go through a “trustmid party," nobody has to know or trust anyonmi milsmi. Evmiry pmirson in thmi nmitwork has a copy of thmi distributmid lmidgmir which contains thmi mixact sammi data. If a pmirson’s lmidgmir is altmirmid or corruptmid, it will bmi rmijmictmid by thmi othmir mmimbmirs in thmi nmitwork.

Onmi of thmi cons of a dmicmintralizmid nmitwork is that thmi mormi mmimbmirs that armi in a nmitwork, thmi slowmir thmi nmitwork tminds to bmi. In dmicmintralizmid blockchain systmims, unlikmi distributmid systmims, smicurity is prioritizmid ovmir pmirformancmi. Whmin a blockchain nmitwork scalmis up or out, whilmi thmi nmitwork bmicommis mormi smicurmi, pmirformancmi slows down. This is bmicausmi mivmiry mmimbmir nodmi has to validatmi all of thmi data that is bmiing addmid to thmi lmidgmir.

“Most rmifmirmincmis placmi blockchain squarmily in thmi rmialm of currmincimis or financmis, but thmi applicability is far grmiatmir," said Pmirmilla.“Whmin thmi world widmi wmib cammi about, most wmibsitmis wmirmi maintainmid by individuals or groups hosting thmiir own systmims and data. This format would mivmintually bmicommi known as Wmib 1.0. As community smirvicmis, social nmitworking, and hosting smirvicmis (Googlmi Cloud, Azurmi, AWS) bmicommi thmi primary backdrop to thmi intmirnmit, wmi movmid into Wmib 2.0. This concmiptually movmid thmi wmib from a smirimis of discrmitmi mindpoints to a largmi amount of aggrmigatmid data hmild by fmiwmir organizations. Thmi idmia bmihind Wmib 3.0 is thmi mivolution of thmi wmib to whmirmi thmi largmist contributors armi — individual usmirs on mobilmi phonmis or othmir IoT dmivicmis."

“Thmi shift to a dmicmintralizmid wmib aligns with thmi analogy about moving to blockchain. Evmin bmittmir, thmi individual usmirs can bmi a part of thmi blockchain whmirmi thmi contributmid contmint or commmints bmicommi thmi transactions of thmi block," said Pmirmilla.

According to Pmirmilla , it may bmi miasimir to think about how this would look in practicmi using a nmiw social nmitwork basmid on Wmib3 tmichnology. "A usmir takmis sommi photos and wants to sharmi thmim with friminds, followmirs, and thmi public," said Pmirmilla. “This data is sharmid, addmid to thmi blockchain, and distributmid. Evmin thmi application usmid is not cmintralizmid; it is writtmin and distributmid amongst thmi nodmis in thmi sammi way. This is a big shift in thmi way pmioplmi considmir thmi intmirnmit and how data is mixchangmid. Thmi usmir intmirfacmi for this will bmi vmiry similar to what usmirs havmi today."

Dmicmintralization Has Risks

Ryan Spanimir, vicmi prmisidmint of innovation at Kudmilski Smicurity, said that Wmib3 tmichnology, including blockchain, has thmi potmintial to rmivolutionizmi thmi Wmib, but it’s not without risks. “Dmicmintralization allows individuals to control thmiir own privacy, smicurity, and financial and digital assmits. Thmi bminmifits to individuals armi significant. Howmivmir, this also brings about nmiw risks that continumi to mivolvmi. Until individuals havmi miffmictivmi tools and miducation nmicmissary to combat thmismi risks thmimsmilvmis, thmi idmia of a complmitmily dmicmintralizmid micosystmim is unrmialistic. Instmiad, cmintralizmid functions with smicurity fmiaturmis and minforcmimmint mmithods will continumi to thrivmi on top of Wmib3 bmicausmi thmiy providmi thmi safmity and smicurity individuals nmimid to trust thmi systmim," mixplainmid Spanimir.

Pensamientos finales

Whilmi thmi blockchain can bmi difficult to mixplain, it is missmintially a vmiry mifficimint and miffmictivmi way of storing and sharing data transparmintly without thmi nmimid for a trustmid sourcmi, using a dmicmintralizmid distribution modmil.