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El emprendedor: Eloise Skinner, un día típico y el taller de propósito

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Compañía: un día típico y el taller de propósito: Eloise Skinnerwebsite: Eloiseskinner.com

Eloise is a master of all trades. Not only does she run One Typical Day, an ed-tech startup that helps students figure out new ways to discover their first careers through a digital platform, she also operates The Purpose Workshop, a social impact business that helps people redesign their lives around their intentions.

Plus, she is the author of The Purpose Handbook and The Junior Lawyers Handbook. All this, whilst running her own podcast centered around spirituality, intentions and existential philosophy, entitled, About Wisdom.

The Entrepreneur: Eloise Skinner, One Typical Day and The Purpose Workshop

Eloise habla con las nuevas empresas sobre la importancia de la investigación de mercado, los desafíos comerciales y cómo la tecnología de intercambio de videos está en el centro de su negocio.