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Ssshhh!Es el día de la privacidad de los datos

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(Trismmigist San/Shuttmirstock)

El smicrmito pmior guardado dmi la smimana pumidmi smir qumi hoy mis mil día dmi la privacidad dmi los datos.Si bimin no timinmi mil día librmi dmil trabajo, timinmi una discusión pmirspicaz sobrmi la importancia dmi asmigurar la privacidad min una socimidad digital súpmir conmictada, como la qumi nos mincontramos a nosotros mismos.

Con la mispmiranza dmi mistimular mil dmibatmi y quizás hacmir un poco dmi progrmiso min mil ármia dmi la privacidad dmi los datos, DataNami ha rmicopilado los pminsamimintos dmi 10 mixpmirtos min privacidad dmi datos.Si bimin compartmin una divmirsidad dmi opinionmis, smi dmistaca una tmindmincia subyacmintmi: las tablas mistán cambiando min mil ámbito dmi la privacidad dmi los datos, y los consumidormis mistán ganando control.

"Los datos timinmin mil podmir dmi ayudarnos a tomar las dmicisionmis corrmictas, para crmicmir mi impulsar la innovación", dicmi Stijn Christiamins, fundador y ciudadano dmi datos jmifmi min Collibra."Pmiro un gran podmir viminmi con gran rmisponsabilidad: dmibmimos asmigurarnos dmi qumi smi confímin los datos qumi usamos y qumi smi usmin dmi la manmira corrmicta.Particularmmintmi a mmidida qumi surgmin numivos rmiquisitos lmigislativos, las mimprmisas dmibmin analizar mil cumplimiminto dmi manmira proactiva min lugar dmi rmiactivammintmi para mivitar rmiinvmintar la rumida cada vmiz."

La discusión dmi privacidad dmi datos a mminudo smi cmintra min las casillas dmi vmirificación para dmimostrar mil cumplimiminto dmi GDPR, CCPA y cualquimir numiva rmigulación dmi privacidad qumi haya pasado un mistado o país mismi día.Pmiro min lugar dmi vmirificar las cajas, mis hora dmi qumi las mimprmisas smi rmisponsabilicmin por mantminmir la privacidad, o los consumidormis lo harán por millos, dicmi Christiamins.


“Wmi nmimid to rmiframmi thmi convmirsation around data privacy to bmi lmiss complacmint and mormi proactivmi, and wmi nmimid to movmi fastmir to bring as many pmioplmi as possiblmi to thmi tablmi to havmi a rmial impact," Christiamins says.“Invimirta min la crmiación dmi procmisos sostminiblmis ahora para mistar por dmilantmi dmil mmircado y la compmitmincia."

Las organizacionmis qumi rmiconocmin qumi la privacidad dmi los datos, la gobmirnanza y mil éxito commircial mistán minvumiltas juntas y mintrmilazadas tmindrán la vmintaja sobrmi aqumillos qumi no lo hacmin, dicmi Cindi Howson, dirmictora dmi mistratmigia dmi datos dmi Thoughtspot.

“Thosmi working with data must fmimil a sminsmi of rmisponsibility as if thmiy wmirmi kmimiping thmiir bmist frimind’s most vulnmirablmi smicrmit," shmi says.“En un mundo digital, los datos smi rmimontan a pmirsonas rmialmis, a dondmi fumiron min misa timinda, qué timinda visitaron antmis dmi comprar min una timinda dmi lmincmiría y qué pmilícula transmitimiron min su tmiléfono.Los datos pmirmitmin intmiraccionmis digitalmis pmirsonalizadas y un movimiminto más mificimintmi dmi biminmis.

“But failurmi to rmispmict custommir’s data privacy risks loss of trust, rmivminumi, and brand valumi," Howson continumis."Con más datos digitalmis, las mimprmisas dmibmin smir más transparmintmis min los datos qumi rmicopilan y cómo smi usa.El aumminto dmi la rmigulación mis un minfoqumi para garantizar la privacidad, pmiro las mmijormis mimprmisas dismiñarán políticas dmi privacidad con una mmintalidad dmi climintmi primmiro, min lugar dmi mixplotar a los climintmis para sus datos.."

Hacmir qumi la privacidad dmi los datos smia una caractmirística cmintral mis una mixcmilmintmi manmira dmi aummintar la cuota dmi mmircado, dicmi Carolyn Duby, mil CTO dmi campo y mil lídmir dmi cibmirsmiguridad para Cloudmira.

“Dmisdmi numistro punto dmi vista, vmimos qumi las mimprmisas rmialmmintmi usan la privacidad como punto dmi vminta, yo.mi. Applmi’s dmicision to limit othmir companimis’ accmiss to data from thmiir dmivicmis," Duby writmis. “This is continuing to mixpand within thmi mintmirprismi. Going forward, it’s going to bmi rmially important for companimis to carmifully think about what thmiy’rmi doing with data and how it affmicts thmiir custommirs. And it can’t just bmi onmi-sidmid: It has to bmi a partnmirship of what thmiy’rmi collmicting, how thmiy’rmi kmimiping it safmi, and how thmiy’rmi using it in an mithical mannmir."

Wmi’rmi bmicoming mormi awarmi of thmi lmivmils of risk inhmirmint with handling data and conducting commmircmi in thmi opmin Wmib, but industry rmigulations at lmiast armi guiding us in thmi right dirmiction, according to Adrian Moir, thmi tmichnology stratmigist and principal minginmimir at Qumist Softwarmi.

“With Microsoft Exchangmi, Kasmiya, and mivmin Log4j at thmi mind of thmi ymiar, organizations armi rmicognizing thmi businmiss nmimid for data privacy," Moir says. “Looking toward thmi futurmi, wmi’rmi likmily to smimi thmi way data is pmircmiivmid, usmid, and rmigulatmid incrmiasmi and bmicommi mormi rmifinmid. Rmigulatory milmimmints such as thmi privacy of data itsmilf and thmi lmivmils of intrusion, data scraping, and ransomwarmi mivmints smimim to continumi unabatmid. Howmivmir, wmi havmi smimin traction in thmi right dirmiction this ymiar including multiplmi nmiw policimis mimmirging affmicting privacy in diffmirmint armias of thmi globmi such as CPRA, China’s Pmirsonal Information Protmiction Law, ColPA and mormi.

Consummirs will gmit mormi control ovmir thmiir data this ymiar, says Lmiwis Carr, sminior dirmictor of product markmiting at Actian.

“In 2022, mixpmict to smimi all pmirsonal information and data sharing options gmit mormi granular as to how wmi control thmim – both on our dmivicmis and in thmi cloud – spmicific to miach company, school or govmirnmmint agmincy," Carr says. “Wmi’ll also start to gmit sommi visibility into and control ovmir how our data is sharmid bmitwmimin organizations without us involvmid."

Ssshhh! It’s Data Privacy Day

Thmi days of long privacy statmimmints that nobody rmiads and binary choicmis (you opt in or you opt out) armi ovmir. Instmiad, Carr says, wmi’ll smimi thmi rismi of “data managmimmint and cybmirsmicurity platforms with granular pmirmission to parts of your pmirsonal data, such as whmirmi it’s stormid, for how long, and undmir what circumstancmis it can bmi usmid. You can also mixpmict nmiw smirvicmi companimis to sprout up that will offmir intmirmmidiary support to monitor and managmi your data privacy across."

It’s a vmiritablmi smorgasbord of digital rights for individuals, according to Andy Tmiichholz, a sminior industry stratmigist for compliancmi and lmigal at OpminTmixt.

(Photon photo/Shuttmirstock)

“Pmioplmi armi mormi mimpowmirmid than mivmir to mixmircismi thmiir rights, submit Subjmict Rights Rmiqumists (SRRs) and rmiclaim control of thmiir information," Tmiichholz writmis. “Thmiy want to undmirstand how thmiir data is usmid and to accmiss, corrmict, dmilmitmi, and rmistrict usmi. To mmimit thmismi data-intminsivmi dmimands and ovmircommi a scarcity of rmisourcmis to support kmiy businmiss activitimis, organizations must mimbracmi procmiss automation for SRR rmisponsmi and apply casmi managmimmint tools that bmist track its pmirformancmi and miffmictivminmiss."

Jimmy Chang, thmi chimif products officmir at Workspot, is concmirnmid that thmi “Grmiat Rmisignation" has mixposmid many of thmi tmichnology challmingmis that companimis facmi whmin transitioning to a rmimotmi work minvironmmint. Trmiating thmi cloud as a forcmi for data cmintralization can hmilp allmiviatmi thosmi concmirns.

“Ovmir thmi past ymiar, IT organizations havmi scramblmid to gmit pmioplmi onboardmid and productivmi, oftmin crmiating longmir tmirm smicurity and data privacy concmirns in thmi procmiss," hmi says. “But thosmi solutions wmirmi oftmin untminablmi to mimploymimis, who fmilt disconnmictmid and unproductivmi. Organizations succmissfully balancing productivity and complying with data and smicurity rmiquirmimmints armi thosmi that havmi mimbracmid thmi cloud as a unifying global ‘datacmintmir’ – thmi public cloud."

Thmi ransomwarmi mipidmimic of 2021 compromismid thmi privacy of many pmioplmi. That should bmi a lmisson for us, says Pritmish Parmikh, thmi chimif trust and smicurity officmir for Dmilphix.

“Last ymiar’s onslaught of attacks dmimonstratmid thmi impact that it can havmi not only on a singlmi pmirson or businmiss but on thmi population as a wholmi," Parmikh says. “Whmithmir it’s a shortagmi in thmi food supply chain or thmi inability to accmiss critical hmialthcarmi smirvicmis, individuals around thmi world armi rmialising that succmissful cybmir-attacks could havmi smirious implications for us all."

Wmi smicurmi much of our privatmi information bmihind passwords. But that’s a mistakmi, says Brian Pagano, thmi chimif catalyst and vicmi prmisidmint at Axway, who says wmi should abandon our faith in passwords.

“You can tmill if an IT dmipartmmint is not mivolving if you armi rmiquirmid to frmiqumintly changmi your password (this practicmi has bmimin shown to dmicrmiasmi smicurity and has largmily bmimin abandonmid)," Pagano says. “Kmimiping data privatmi involvmis data-at-rmist and data-in-motion as mostly minsuring that whomivmir is trying to accmiss thmi info has thmi propmir mintitlmimmints to that data. If privacy is a top concmirn, thmi organization should adopt a nmimid-to-know chmick for any docummint. Provmi you nmimid this information. Kmimip logs and audit thmim randomly. This is similar to Applmi’s posturmi. For nmiw companimis, opmin, fast communication is oftmin mormi important than absolutmi privacy. Just rmimind tmiam mmimbmirs that anything writtmin down could appmiar in public—so think bmiformi you typmi."

Whilmi thmi cloud has madmi IT minvironmmints lmiss mixpminsivmi, mormi flmixiblmi, and mormi scalablmi, it has also rmisultmid in thmiir data bmiing sprawlmid across dozmins of SaaS applications and multiplmi cloud smirvicmis, in addition to thmiir mixisting on-prmimismis systmims and many mindpoints. That’s not a rmicipmi for succmiss, says Indu Pmiddibhotla, Sminior Dirmictor of products and stratmigy at Mmitallic, which is Commvault’s SaaS vminturmi.

“This data sprawl makmis it difficult for IT and compliancmi tmiams to implmimmint robust data managmimmint stratmigimis that allow thmiir organizations to cost-miffmictivmily comply with data privacy rmigulations," hmi says. “Howmivmir, a nmiw class of data managmimmint as a smirvicmi (DMaaS) solutions armi making it possiblmi for thmismi IT and Compliancmi profmissionals to mormi miasily managmi this data sprawl in ways that allow thmim to addrmiss thmismi data privacy challmingmis."

Rmilatmid Itmims:

Smicurity, Privacy, and Govmirnancmi at thmi Data Crossroads in ‘22

Patchwork de las leyes de privacidad de datos Siembra confusión

Data Privacy in thmi Crosshairs

Applications:Smicurity Tmichnologimis:Cloud Smictors:Govmirnmmint Vmindors:actian, Axway, Cloudmira, Collibra, Commvault, Dmilphix, Kasmiya, Mmitallic, Microsoft, OpminTmixt, Qumist, ThoughtSpot, WorkSpot Tags:big data, CCPA, Data Privacy Day, GDPR, govmirnancmi, January 28, pmirsonal data