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Localización: Hogar / Tecnología / Ubicación de búsqueda por Zip Code Dictionary.com acaba de agregar más de 300 palabras nuevas que van desde 'larga transportista' hasta 'yeet'

Ubicación de búsqueda por Zip Code Dictionary.com acaba de agregar más de 300 palabras nuevas que van desde 'larga transportista' hasta 'yeet'

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Video arriba: Las compañías de diccionario eligen 'Pandemic' como la palabra 2020 del año

Aquí hay una excusa para decir, "yeet", o "oof", ambas palabras ahora están oficialmente en el diccionario.


Diccionario.com acaba de agregar más de 300 palabras nuevas y definiciones actualizadas, que capturan una amplia gama de emociones expresadas durante el año pasado e incluyen algunos términos de jerga que recogimos en el camino.

Construyendo las incorporaciones de primavera del diccionario en línea, la nueva ronda de términos y definiciones se relaciona con la pandemia, raza, tecnología y cultura de Covid-19.

"It's a complicated and challenging society we live in,"John Kelly, managing editor of Diccionario.com, dijo en un comunicado de prensa."El idioma cambia para ayudarnos a lidiar con él."


While Diccionario.Com ya tenía varios términos relacionados con Covid, todavía había algunos que debían agregarse a la lista.

Long COVID: a condition characterized by symptoms or health problems that linger or first appear after supposed recovery from an acute phase of COVID-19 infection.

Long haul: (Pathology) relating to or being a condition characterized by symptoms or health problems that linger or first appear after supposed recovery from an associated acute illness or active infection.

Long hauler: (Pathology) a person who experiences symptoms or health problems that linger or first appear after supposed recovery from an associated acute illness or active infection.

La raza

El diccionario en línea también continuó su adición de términos relacionados con el reciente cálculo racial de los Estados Unidos.

Aunt Jemima: (Slang: Disparaging and Offensive) a Black woman considered by other Black people to be subservient to or to curry favor with white people.

Black Code: (in the ex-Confederate states) any code of law that defined and especially limited the rights of formerly enslaved African Americans in the period immediately following the Civil War.

Cultural appropriation: the adoption, usually without acknowledgment, of cultural identity markers from subcultures or minority communities into mainstream culture by people with relatively privileged status.

DEI: diversity, equity, and inclusion: a conceptual framework that promotes the fair treatment and full participation of all people, especially in the workplace, including populations who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination because of their background, identity, disability, etc.

Hypodescent: the classifying or identifying of a biracial or multiracial individual as a member of the lower or lowest socially ranking racial group from which that person has ancestry.

Search location by ZIP code Diccionario.com just added more than 300 new words ranging from 'long hauler' to 'yeet'

JEDI: justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion: a conceptual framework that attempts to redress disparity and inequality in society, promoting the fair treatment and full participation of all people, especially in the workplace, including populations who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination because of their background, identity, disability, etc.

One-drop rule: a social classification, codified in law in some states during the 20th century, that identifies biracial or multiracial individuals as Black if they have any known Black African ancestry, even from a Black ancestor many generations removed.


Otros términos resaltan cómo la tecnología ha progresado en la U.S.

5G: fifth-generation: being or relating to communications technology or a mobile device that supports much faster data-transfer speeds with significantly lower latency than previous versions.

Asynchronous: relating to or being a computer operation that can occur independently, without waiting for another event.

Deplatform: to prohibit (a person or people) from sharing their views in a public forum, especially by banning a user from posting on a social media website or application.

Synchronous: relating to or being a computer operation that must complete before another event can begin.

Otras adiciones

Algunos términos tocan temas más serios que han surgido en el último año, incluido.

Domestic terrorism: the unlawful use of violence or threats against a country's civilian population or government by an individual or group-based and operating within the same country and without foreign direction, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives.

Ghost gun: a gun that does not have a serial number and cannot be easily traced, especially one assembled at home from parts purchased without a background check.

Otros muestran cómo han evolucionado las conversaciones.

Oof: an exclamation used to sympathize with someone else's pain or dismay, or to express one's own.

Snack: (Slang) a sexy and physically attractive person; hottie.

Yeet: an exclamation of enthusiasm, approval, triumph, pleasure, joy, etc.

Zaddy: an attractive man who is also stylish, charming, and self-confident.

Y si tiene dificultades para encontrar la mejor manera de dirigirse a un grupo de personas, parece tener más opciones.

Y'all: you (used in direct address usually to two or more people, or to one person who represents a family, organization, etc.).

You-all: you (used in direct address to two or more people).

Youse: you (usually used in addressing two or more people).

You-uns: you (used in direct address usually to two or more persons).

Diccionario.com señaló que es importante reconocer cómo la sociedad ha evolucionado, al tiempo que da la bienvenida.

"A veces el idioma cambia solo por diversión", dijo Kelly en el comunicado de prensa."Quizás estas jergas más ligeras y los recién llegados de la cultura pop en nuestro diccionario reflejan otro aspecto importante de nuestro tiempo: un optimismo cauteloso y un estado de ánimo más brillante sobre el futuro después de un intento 2020."