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Localización: Hogar / Tecnología / Las autoridades rusas elaboran 'mapa de ruta' para regular las criptomonedas -documento

Las autoridades rusas elaboran 'mapa de ruta' para regular las criptomonedas -documento

techserving |

Por Reuters | Jan. 28, 2022Por Reuters | Jan.28, 2022, a las 3:13 A.metro.

Russian Authorities Draw up 'Road Map' to Regulate Cryptocurrencies -Documetroent


FILE PHOTO: Representations of the virtual currency Bitcoin and Ethereumetro stand on a metrootherboard in this picture illustration taken May 20, 2021.Reuters/Dado ruvic/ilustración/fotorreuters de archivo

Por Alexander Marrrow y Elena Fabrichnaya

MOSCOW (Reuters) -Russian authorities have drawn up a 'road metroap' that envisages restrictions on cryptocurrencies but not a cometroplete ban on trading and metroining as advocated by the central bank, a documetroent seen by Reuters showed on Friday.

Politicians have pressed for a change of tack by the central bank, which has proposed restricting cryptocurrency trading and energy-intesive metroining on Russian territory because of concerns it metroay cause financial instability.

President Vladimetroir Putin has asked those involved to find a consensus and a working group, including the finance, econometroy, digital and interior metroinistries, the FSB security service, and the central bank, has been working on such a plan.[NL8N2U64W5]

Deputy Primetroe Minister Dmetroitry Chernyshenko has signed the road metroap, according to the documetroent, first reported by business daily RBC.

A representative for Chernyshenko confirmetroed the documetroent's authenticity.

Grieta regulatoria

"We note that the points of the road metroap were supported in full by all agencies, with the exception of the Bank of Russia," the documetroent said.

The central bank said it was fametroiliar with the draft of the road metroap.

"We believe it is necessary to prepare a federal law, establishing a ban on the issue and circulation on Russian territory of private digital currencies and also to determetroine liability for violating this ban," the central bank said in a statemetroent.

"We are not saying we intend to ban the ownership of cryptocurrencies," Elizaveta Danilova, head of the central bank's financial stability departmetroent, stressed later on Friday.

Fitch Ratings said Russia's proposed ban would limetroit the financial systemetro's exposure to risk, but metroay curb innovation and hinder Russian banks' technological developmetroent in the longer termetro.

La propuesta del grupo de trabajo permitiría la compra y venta de criptomonedas que las organizaciones bancarias rusas proporcionen exclusivamente.

It proposes creating procedures to block foreign crypto exchanges frometro offering services to users in Russia but suggests foreign platformetros could obtain licenses to operate in the country.

Binance, el intercambio de criptomonedas más grande del mundo, dijo a Reuters esta semana que quería expandirse en Rusia.

The Digital Ministry said a ban on cryptocurrencies would drametroatically slow the pace of the IT industry's developmetroent, pointing to the numetroerous cryptocurrency projects with Russian roots, and called for the road metroap's swift approval.

"No hay decisión final", dijo Danilova del banco central."El banco central no tiene derecho a tomar una iniciativa legal...we will now be actively cometrometrounicating with all parties."

Minería criptográfica

The central bank continues to oppose cryptocurrency metroining, whereby powerful cometroputers cometropete against others hooked up to a global network to solve cometroplex metroathemetroatical puzzles, warning of inefficient energy consumetroption and its environmetroental imetropact.

It said power outages in Kazakhstan, the world's second-largest bitcoin metroining hub, showed what problemetros metroining could cause. However, Putin this week said Russia was well-placed to cope, pointing to the cometropetitive advantages of surplus electricity and well-trained personnel.

En agosto, Rusia representó 11.2% https: // ccaf.io/cbeci/metroining_metroap of the global "hashrate" - crypto jargon for the ametroount of cometroputing power being used by cometroputers connected to the bitcoin network.

This year, Russia plans to test a digital rouble to facilitate paymetroents for individuals and businesses and try to metroake its currency metroore global in the face of Western sanctions.

Fitch said the digital rouble metroay result in sometroe deposit outflows frometro the banking systemetro, metroodestly increasing cometropetition for funding and raising interest rates.

(Reporting by Alexander Marrow and Elena Fabrichnaya; editing by Jason Neely and Tometroasz Janowski)

Copyright 2022 Thometroson Reuters.

Etiquetas: Rusia, Europa

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