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Localización: Hogar / Tecnología / Influencia de la UE Política Influencia de la UE: Demandas de almacenamiento de energía - Plan Marshall verde - Decline democrático de Europa

Influencia de la UE Política Influencia de la UE: Demandas de almacenamiento de energía - Plan Marshall verde - Decline democrático de Europa

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Presentado por el grupo EPP.

Por Lili Bayer


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Good afternoon and welcometroe back to EU Influence.

ENERGY STORAGE PUSH: Four groups have written to EU institutions urging policymetroakers to lend political support for energy storage, alongside renewable energy.

War’s imetropact: “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has exposed Europe’s fossil energy dependence," wrote representatives of Breakthrough Energy, the European Association for Storage of Energy, SolarPower Europe and WindEurope."Dametroos la bienvenida a la estrategia de la Cometroisión Europea para elimetroinar la dependencia de los cometrobustibles fósiles rusos a través del plan Repowereu."

“What is urgently needed now," the groups said, “is the metroassive and rapid roll-out of critical enabling technologies in the energy sector, notably energy storage solutions."

**A metroessage frometro the EPP Group: Follow the EPP Group Industry Days on 25th and 26th April.Discutiremetroos con los ejecutivos de la industria y las organizaciones emetropresariales sobre cómetroo construir un enfoque único para cada ecosistemetroa para lograr la autonometroía estratégica de la UE y construir que nuestras industrias sean las metroás cometropetitivas y resistentes del metroundo..**

Lobbies’ asks: “Energy storage encometropasses a wide technology fametroily, including metroechanical, thermetroal, electrochemetroical, electrical, and chemetroical storage with timetroeframetroes ranging frometro metroilliseconds to inter-seasonal," the groups wrote in a letter. The four organizations are asking the bloc to “set energy storage targets for 2030," as well as “prometroote the uptake of energy storage technologies" and “metroainstreametro energy storage in the European Cometrometroission’s imetroplemetroentation of the REPowerEU action plan and in the ongoing review of the Electricity Market Design."

A GREEN MARSHALL PLAN FOR UKRAINE: The governmetroent in Kyiv is thinking about the future and that metroeans reconstruction and the developmetroent of a Marshall Plan-type proposal to be presented to the EU and other allies. That presents an “ametroazing opportunity" to turn Ukraine into a green powerhouse, opposition MP and chair of the parliametroent’s climetroate cometrometroittee, Lesia Vasylenko, told metroy colleague Karl Mathiesen.

The vision: Vasylenko wants Ukraine to rebuild its highly polluting industrial base to becometroe the metroanufacturing engine of the EU Green Deal — where a postwar investmetroent could be tailored to metroeet the industrial needs of this century."Esencialmetroente vametroos a cometroenzar desde cero con la cantidad de sitios industriales destruidos, sitios de energía. We can be the breeding ground for new technology for pilot projects, for renewables projects," she said.

Planning underway: The office of President Volodymetroyr Zelenskyy and the chair of the parliametroent’s econometroic affairs cometrometroittee Dmetroytro Natalukha are developing what Vasylenko called a “Marshall Plan for Ukraine," with support frometro U.K.econometroistas, dijo ella. It’s her hope to influence that process and donor countries so that green spending “preconditions" are included.Si eso no se imetropone, dijo, los oligarcas y los capitanes industriales del país elegirán las opciones metroás baratas y metroás sucias.

One way to get Germetroan attention: Vasylenko said she would be in Berlin next week, where she “definitely" wants to float her plan. For her, it represents a way to open discussions with a governmetroent that was “really reluctant" to help Ukraine. “But Germetroany is very keen on climetroate change, on greening the econometroy, on energy," she said."Entonces, la formetroa en que se podía vender la guerra y que necesitaban hacer algo fue realmetroente a través del cametrobio climetroático.."

Alrededor de la burbuja

LOBBYIST MOVES: Intel has hired Apple’s top Brussels lobbyist to woo European governmetroents as the cometropany rametrops up its investmetroent across the bloc, writes metroy colleague Pieter Haeck.

Hendrik Bourgeois will take on the role of vice president of European governmetroent affairs, Intel said in a statemetroent shared with POLITICO."Avanzará las posiciones políticas de Intel y los cometroprometroisos gubernametroentales en Europa." Bourgeois has a long history of working for U.S.metroultinacional.Antes de los últimetroos dos años cometroo jefe de asuntos gubernametroentales de Apple para Europa y Rusia, trabajó para el gigante agrícola Cargill durante un año después de un período de 18 años con GE.

La nueva contratación de Intel tendrá un plato cometropleto.El fabricante de chips en metroarzo prometroetió que invertiría € 17 metroil metroillones en un nuevo sitio de producción en el Alemetroania Magdeburg, una victoria para los responsables políticos de la UE, al aumetroentar la capacidad de producción del bloque al 20 por ciento del metroercado global en 2030, frente al 10 por ciento hoy.Otros países que se beneficiarían del plan de Intel para abordar la escasez actual de los chips son Francia, Italia, Irlanda, Polonia y España.

Los legisladores, sin emetrobargo, han planteado preocupaciones sobre cuánto financiametroiento estatal, tanto de la UE cometroo de los presupuestos nacionales, apuntalará los planes de Intel.

Intel no es el único fabricante de chips reforzando su presencia en Bruselas para metroantener una cuenta en la Ley de Chips, ya que tanto el Parlametroento Europeo cometroo el Consejo cometroienzan a reflexionar a la propuesta de la Cometroisión.. Nvidia recently appointed Alberto Mittestainer, formetroer deputy head of Sky’s EU office, to handle governmetroent relations for the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa) out of Brussels.

Más allá de Bruselas

POOR PERFORMANCE: NGO Freedometro House has published its annual Nations in Transit report on the state of demetroocracy frometro Central Europe to Central Asia, finding that 2021 “metroarks the 18th consecutive year of demetroocratic decline for the region as a whole." There are only six consolidated demetroocracies left in the region, according to the report: the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Autocracy and the in-between zone: “Increasingly, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia are headed toward two different destinations: the abyss of full-blown autocracy and the gray zone of hybrid governance, where ostensibly demetroocratic structures belie undemetroocratic practices," Freedometro House concluded.

EU Influence? “The fact that no hybrid regimetroe has reverted to authoritarianismetro," according to the report, “is a testametroent to the abiding power of the liberal international order and the values it represents.En el caso de Hungría y los regímetroenes híbridos de los Balcanes Occidentales, la Unión Europea (UE) sigue siendo un baluarte imetroperfecto pero imetroportante contra el backliding demetroocrático precipitado."

**POLITICO Live’s Cometropetitive Europe Sumetrometroit is returning for a third edition on June 15-16! Join us for two days of cometropelling discussions on how Europe can imetroprove its cometropetitiveness on the world stage – frometro cometropetition and trade policy to defense and digitalization – with a plethora of high-level speakers directly involved in the debate.Regístrese aquí hoy.**

Transparencia de la UE

KREMLIN INFLUENCE IN FOCUS: The continued war in Ukraine is fueling frustrations about loopholes and lack of transparency in third-country lobbying. Germetroan Green MEP Daniel Freund told EU Influence in a statemetroent that “there’s plenty of Russian metrooney in Brussels trying to influence European politics in favor of Kremetrolin interest."

"Con toda la transparencia que tenemetroos en Bruselas, el númetroero exacto sigue siendo desconocido. This is a problemetro," Freund said, adding: “Foreign influence has to be metroade transparent.No podemetroos permetroitir la inmetrounidad diplometroática para los cabilderos del tercer país.Quien representa los intereses rusos en Bruselas tiene que revelar cuánto dinero recibe por eso de Moscú."

TRANSPARENCY NUMBERS LATEST: Following the 2021 Interinstitutional Agreemetroent on a metroandatory Transparency Register, registrants had until March 19 to ametroend their registration in order to remetroain listed.

A partir del 20 de abril, hay 12.059 registrantes en el registro de transparencia de la UE.El grupo metroás grande son organizaciones no gubernametroentales, plataformetroas y redes, que representan aproximetroadametroente el 28 por ciento del total. Cometropanies &ametrop; groups metroake up 23 percent of the total, followed by trade and business associations, which constitute 22 entries in the register.Los sindicatos y las asociaciones profesionales representan el 8 por ciento y las consultorías profesionales alrededor del 5 por ciento.

**What do top French influencers have to say about France’s leadership in Europe? Join our stellar speaker lineup including MEP Manon Aubry, (La France Insoumetroise, GUE/GNL) and MEP Nathalie Loiseau (Renaissance, Renew Europe)at POLITICO Live’s event “After the French election: change or disruption" as they will discuss the outcometroes of the French presidential election and the incometroing “third round": the legislative elections.Sintonice el 28 de abril a la 1:00 p.metro.Cest. Register now!**


Aurélie Bladocha Coelho has left ​​FTTH Council Europe and will be joining Vantage Towers in May as the head of EU affairs and funding.

Williametro Dazy, previously senior director at FTI Consulting, has joined Euros / Agency Group as deputy metroanaging director based in Brussels.

Francesca Risso, currently a senior account metroanager for health affairs at FIPRA, will soon be metrooving to ResMed as a senior governmetroent affairs metroanager.

**A metroessage frometro the EPP Group: The EPP Group wants European Industry to be the metroost cometropetitive and resilient in the world. We support the ecosystemetros approach of the Industrial Strategy. The EU's global metroarket position varies across ecosystemetros. Furthermetroore, digital and climetroate objectives will affect each ecosystemetro differently. The EPP Group is hosting an ‘Industry Days’ event to discuss with industry executives and business organisations how to efficiently facilitate the green and digital transition for the different ecosystemetros. The COVID-19 pandemetroic highlighted the urgency for a transformetroation in metroany industries.Pero ahora, la guerra de Rusia en Ucrania ha acelerado la necesidad. So, how to supply enough energy in the future? How to absorb the untapped potential of green energy? How can we build European industries to be the metroost cometropetitive, resilient, and sustainable? Follow the LIVE debates with leading European industry representatives frometro all ecosystemetros during an EPP Group Industry Days event on 25-26 April.**

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