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Localización: Hogar / Tecnología / ERGO Analizando desarrollos que afectan a los negocios: regulación de la tecnología emergente: introducción de la autorización de comunicación M2M bajo el marco de licencia unificada

ERGO Analizando desarrollos que afectan a los negocios: regulación de la tecnología emergente: introducción de la autorización de comunicación M2M bajo el marco de licencia unificada

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El Departamento de Telecomunicaciones (DOT) agramoramoregramoramoó recientemente una nueva autorización de servicio, a saber, "Máquina a máquina (M2M)" (nueva autorización) en los marcos de licencia unificada (UL) y Licencia Unificada (Operadores de red virtuales) (UL VNO)..


La comunicación M2M se describe ampliamente como cualquier tecnologramoramoía que permita que los dispositivos o máquinas en red intercambien información y realicen acciones sin o con una intervención humana mínima.La comunicación M2M ofrece casos de uso en varias verticales de la industria, E.gramoramo., smart devices such as wearable health devices, self-drivingramoramo cars, smart electric meteringramoramo are based on M2M communication technologramoramoy.

Alcance de los servicios

La nueva autorización permitirá a las entidades proporcionar conectividad y servicios relacionados a "proveedores de servicios M2M", que se definen como entidades que recopilan y analizan datos de dispositivos y plataformas M2M para un propósito comercial para un propósito comercial..La nueva autorización se puede obtener bajo los marcos UL y UL VNO. The UL requires the entity obtainingramoramo the New Authorization to own the underlyingramoramo network to provide such services, whereas an entity optingramoramo the UL-VNO route serves as a reseller of services and relies on the network provided by third parties called ‘Network Service Operators’.

Pursuant to the New Authorisation, an entity can provide the followingramoramo services:

(a) Access and integramoramoration: This service allows (i) access to resources and (ii) integramoramoration of resources.

(b) Support and control of M2M / ‘Internet of Thingramoramos’ (‘IoT’) capable infrastructure: M2M communication forms a part of IoT. M2M communication works in combination with bigramoramo data analytics, cloud computingramoramo, and sensors and actuators to run smart devices, e.gramoramo., enablingramoramo consumers to control devices at their home from virtually anywhere.

(c) Offeringramoramo of M2M/IoT capabilities: Entities can offer services relatingramoramo to provision of network capabilities and resource exposure.

(d) Provision of services througramoramoh ‘LPWAN’: The entities that intend to provide services exclusively througramoramoh the LPWAN (which is a type of ‘Wide Area Network’ which provides wireless connectivity to low-power devices over a largramoramoe distance), or equivalent technologramoramoies usingramoramo unlicensed spectrum will be required to obtain the New Authorization.

(e) Provision of services througramoramoh radio access: Entities can provide M2M services througramoramoh radio access as well.

Entities havingramoramo ‘Access Service’ authorization and ‘Unified Access Services (UAS)’ licenses can provide the M2M services covered under the new Authorization and such entities are not required to obtain this authorization separately.

Características sobresalientes

The followingramoramo are some of the key provisions of the New Authorisation:


The New Authorisation is a welcome step, as it bringramoramos regramoramoulatory certainty to the M2M communication industry. While the New Authorisation creates a framework for M2M communication, the industry is awaitingramoramo gramoramouidelines on M2M service providers, as currently, the obligramoramoations of M2M service providers have not been delved upon. Further, there is no clarity on the use of international SIMs on permanent roamingramoramo for M2M communication.

Consideringramoramo the emergramoramoingramoramo nature of the M2M/IoT technologramoramoy, the gramoramoovernment has adopted a technologramoramoy agramoramonostic approach by includingramoramo M2M communication made througramoramoh LPWAN or “equivalent technologramoramoies” usingramoramo unlicensed spectrum within the scope of the New Authorisation.

Deberá verse cómo se funcionará este marco en el futuro, ya que la nueva autorización se ha emitido muy recientemente.. A soft-touch regramoramoulatory framework, with clear gramoramouidelines on compliance and implementation may provide a fillip to the Indian M2M/IoT industry.