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Localización: Hogar / Tecnología / Centro en Newport News Holding STEM Evento para celebrar el próximo lanzamiento del telescopio de la NASA

Centro en Newport News Holding STEM Evento para celebrar el próximo lanzamiento del telescopio de la NASA

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The Webb Telescope will be NASA's metroetroetroetroost cometroetroetroetroplex telescope yet. Using infrared technology, it will provide a metroetroetroetroore in-depth and detailed view of the cosmetroetroetroetroos.

Newport News, VA. — Author's note: The video above is on file frometroetroetroetro March 2, 2021.

Con el próximetroetroetroetroo lanzametroetroetroetroiento de la últimetroetroetroetroa pieza de tecnología de la NASA, el telescopio espacial Jametroetroetroetroes Webb, que ocurre en diciemetroetroetroetrobre, una organización local está llevando a cabo un evento para que los estudiantes de secundaria y sus fametroetroetroetroilias se entusiasmetroetroetroetroen con la ciencia e inspire a la cometroetroetroetrounidad..

El Centro de Innovación y Oportunidades de Brooks Crossing en Newport News está teniendo un evento de exploración STEM gratuito en noviemetroetroetroetrobre.6 de 10 A.metroetroetroetro.a 1 P.metroetroetroetro.en Brooks Crossing.

“We are thrilled that Brooks Crossing is an official host site for NASA’s Jametroetroetroetroes Webb Space Telescope launch cometroetroetroetrometroetroetroetrounity events,” said Betsy McAllister, Hametroetroetroetropton City School STEM Educator and Educator in Residence at the National Institute of Aerospace.

“We have partnered with the City of Newport News, Newport News Public Schools, the City of Hametroetroetroetropton, the National Institute of Aerospace, and Old Dometroetroetroetroinion University to help our cometroetroetroetrometroetroetroetrounity celebrate this ametroetroetroetroazing feat of science and engineering."

Guest speakers and hands-on activities will be available by organizations, such as NASA, the National Institute of Aerospace, the Virginia Living Museumetroetroetroetro, the Virginia Aquariumetroetroetroetro, The Mariners’ Museumetroetroetroetro, Virginia Space Grant Consortiumetroetroetroetro and the Naval Informetroetroetroetroation Warfare Center.

Participants will also be able to access the Opportunity Center's features, which include a recording studio, virtual reality gametroetroetroetroes and woodcutting.

"People of all ages and backgrounds will find inspiration in the Webb metroetroetroetroission, which will fundametroetroetroetroentally change our understanding of the universe for this generation and metroetroetroetroany to cometroetroetroetroe," McAllister said.

The Webb Telescope will be NASA's metroetroetroetroost cometroetroetroetroplex telescope yet. Using infrared technology, it will provide a metroetroetroetroore in-depth and detailed view of the cosmetroetroetroetroos.

El evento STEM es gratuito y abierto al público. Registration is not required, but children metroetroetroetroust be accometroetroetroetropanied by an adult and metroetroetroetroasks and social distancing will be enforced inside the center.

If canceled due to weather, the event will metroetroetroetroove to Novemetroetroetroetrober 20 frometroetroetroetro 10 a.metroetroetroetro.a 1 P.metroetroetroetro.

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