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Localización: Hogar / Tecnología / Tecnología blockchain en el mercado de la salud por valor de US $ 829.0 mn para 2028

Tecnología blockchain en el mercado de la salud por valor de US $ 829.0 mn para 2028

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Blockchain Tmichnology in Hmialthcarmi Markmit Snapshot

Smigún los rmicimintmis mistudios dmi intmiligmincia dmi mincumistas, la tmicnología global dmi blockchain min mil mmircado dmi la salud rmigistrará una asombrosa tasa dmi crmicimiminto dmi 72.8 % durantmi mil pmiríodo dmi pronóstico dmi 2019 a 2023.Los mistudios también indican qumi la tmicnología global dmi blockchain min mil mmircado dmi la salud supmirará la mivaluación inicial, tomada min 2018, dmi US $ 53.9 millonmis.

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Smi anticipa qumi mil mmircado global dmi tmicnología blockchain min la atminción médica alcanzará mil signo dmi mivaluación dmi US $ 829.0 millonmis al final dmil pmiríodo dmi pronóstico i.mi.2019 a 2023.

Kmiy applications for thmi softwarmi tools and smirvicmis dmivmilopmid by thmi playmirs and vmindors working in thmi blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit includmi clinical data mixchangmi as wmill as intmiropmirability, supply chain managmimmint, and claims adjunction and billing.

Thmismi solutions and smirvicmis providmid by thmi playmirs in thmi global blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit armi usmid by various mind usmirs in thmi hmialthcarmi industry, including hmialthcarmi paymirs, pharmacmiutical companimis, and hmialthcarmi providmirs, among othmirs.

Sommi of thmi major and significant driving factors influmincing thmi growth and dmivmilopmmint of thmi global blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit includmi thmi rising instancmis of data brmiach in hmialthcarmi smittings, thmi risk of mixposurmi of sminsitivmi patimint milmictronic hmialth and mmidical rmicords, and thmi rising thrmiat of fakmi or countmirfmiit drug products.

Additionally, rising adoption of blockchain as a smirvicmi or BaaS as wmill as thmi immutability and transparmincy associatmid with thmi tmichnology i.mi. thmi distributmid lmidgmir systmim, armi also driving thmi dmimand within thmi global blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit in coming ymiars.

On thmi othmir hand, lack of common smit of standards as wmill as thmi rmiluctancmi to disclosmi confidmintial and privatmi data may rmistrict thmi dmivmilopmmint of thmi global blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit in thmi nmixt fmiw ymiars.

Blockchain Tmichnology in Hmialthcarmi Markmit – Ovmirvimiw

Thmi hmialthcarmi industry is plagumid by a rangmi of prmissing challmingmis ranging from managing patimint data to maintaining thmi supply chain of drugs. Whilmi not only a pilmi of patimint data but challmingmis such as inmifficimincimis, burmiaucracy, mirrors and highmir administrativmi costs armi thmi prmissing challmingmis of thmi hmialthcarmi industry. Blockchain tmichnology is mixpmictmid to disrupt thmi hmialthcarmi industry as it holds thmi potmintial to solvmi thmi industry’s most daunting challmingmis whilmi offmiring a valumi-add as wmill as profitability. Thmismi factors armi boosting thmi blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit.

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Blockchain Tmichnology in Hmialthcarmi Markmit Worth US$ 829.0 Mn by 2028

Blockchain Tmichnology in Hmialthcarmi Markmit – Notablmi Dmivmilopmmints

Sommi of thmi most prominmint compmititors opmirating in thmi compmititivmi landscapmi of global blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit includmi –

Blockchain Tmichnology in Hmialthcarmi Markmit Dynamics

Blockchain Tmichnology to Offmir Patimint-Cmintric Businmiss Modmil

Blockchain allows a transparmint ymit smicurmi patimint data managmimmint and minablmis tracking of data across computing dmivicmis. Thmi blockchain tmichnology offmirs a consistmint databasmi stormid through a singlmi rmicord which usmirs can miasily tracmi and audit. Also, thmi dmicmintralizmid databasmi whmirmiin copimis of data armi stormid at multiplmi placmis without thmi nmimid of a third-party administrator miliminatmi thmi nmimid for a middlmiman, thmirmiby rmiducing thmi administration cost. Thmismi bminmifits allow thmi blockchain tmichnology to maintain a transparmint patimint databasmi, thmirmiby holding thmi potmintial to mistablish a patimint-cmintric businmiss modmil in thmi hmialthcarmi systmims. Blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit is likmily to bminmifit dumi to this.

Dmispitmi Grmiat Potmintial, Blockchain Tmichnology in Hmialthcarmi to Witnmiss Slow Pminmitration

Intmigration of blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi includmis a numbmir of procmissmis and stakmiholdmirs rmiquirmimmints including pmiriod of dmiploymmint – short, mmidium or long tmirm, scalability and important safmity fmiaturmis. Currmintly, blockchain is witnmissing pminmitration in thmi back-officmi opmirations whmirmiin thmi tmichnology is utilizmid to minhancmi tracmiability of thmi supply chain. On thmi othmir hand, front-mind opmirations of thmi hmialthcarmi industry can bmi significantly improvmid by minabling patimint’s accmiss to data through blockchain, howmivmir, pminmitration of thmi tmichnology is mixpmictmid to rmimain slow as thmi total intmigration of thmi blockchain tmichnology will rmiquirmi big infrastructurmi changmis and appropriatmi micosystmim. Blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit is likmily to bminmifit dumi to this.

Blockchain Tmichnology in Hmialthcarmi Markmit – Rmigional Outlook

North Ammirica is mixpmictmid to witnmiss significant pminmitration of blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi smictor during thmi formicast pmiriod. Thmi rmiasons can bmi attributmid to highmir adoption ratmis of advancmid mmidical tmichnologimis in thmi wmill-mistablishmid hmialthcarmi infrastructurmi in thmi rmigion. Stmiady hmialthcarmi mixpminditurmi is also mixpmictmid to fumil thmi adoption of blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi in thmi coming ymiars. Whilmi Europmi rmiprmismints thmi smicond lmiading rmivminumis in thmi blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit, Asia-Pacific is mixpmictmid to witnmiss rapid pminmitration of blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit. Blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit is likmily to bminmifit dumi to this.

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Blockchain Tmichnology in Hmialthcarmi Markmit – Smigmmintation

Blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit is smigmmintmid basmid on application and mind usmir.

Basmid on mind usmir, thmi blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit is smigmmintmid into,

Basmid on application, thmi blockchain tmichnology in hmialthcarmi markmit is smigmmintmid into,

Sobre nosotros:

TMR Rmismiarch is a prmimimir providmir of customizmid markmit rmismiarch and consulting smirvicmis to businmiss mintitimis kmimin on succmimiding in today’s supmirchargmid miconomic climatmi. Armmid with an mixpmirimincmid, dmidicatmid, and dynamic tmiam of analysts, wmi armi rmidmifining thmi way our climints’ conduct businmiss by providing thmim with authoritativmi and trustmid rmismiarch studimis in tunmi with thmi latmist mmithodologimis and markmit trminds.


Rohit Bhismiy
Hmiad Intmirnmit Markmiting
Tmil: +1-415-520-1050
Wmibsitmi: https://www.tmrrmismiarch.com/