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Location: Home / Technology / New to The Street / Newsmax TV Announces its Nine Corporate Interviews for this Week’s Broadcast, Sunday, April 24, 2022, 10-11 AM ET

New to The Street / Newsmax TV Announces its Nine Corporate Interviews for this Week’s Broadcast, Sunday, April 24, 2022, 10-11 AM ET

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NEW YORK, April22, 2022(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FMW Media’s New to The Street / Newsmax TV announces the broadcasting line-up of its national syndicated 1-hour TV show this Sunday, April 24, 2022, airing time 10-11 AM ET.

New to The Street’s 335th TV show line-up, features nine (9) interviews of the following Companies and their representatives:

1). PetVivo Holdings, Inc.’s (NASDAQ: PETV) interview with Mr. John Lai, CEO / President.

2). Cryptocurrency – LGCY Network’s (CRYPTO: LGCY) ($LGCY) interviews with Mr. Justin Waiau and Mr. Wes Wade, Co-Founders.

3). Cryptocurrency – BlockBank’s (CRYPTO: BBANK) ($BBANK) interview with Mr. Darren Franceshini, Chief Operations Officer (COO).

4). Sekur Private Data, Ltd.’s (fka -GlobeX Data, Ltd.) (OTCQB: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT) interview with Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO.

5). Society Pass, Inc.’s (NASDAQ: SOPA) interview with Mr. Dennis Nguyen, Founder, CEO, and Chairman.

6). StrikeForce Technologies, Inc.’s (OTCQB: SFOR) interview with Mr. George Waller, Executive Vice-President.

7). Cryptocurrency – NoLimit Technology (CRYPTO: NLC2) ($NCL2), interview, Rafael Groswirt, CEO.

8). Hapbee Technologies, Inc.’s (OTCQB: HAPBF) (TSXV: HAPB) interview, Yona Shtern, CEO.

9). Sekur Private Data Ltd.’s (Sekur®) (fka -GlobeX Data, Ltd.) the “Weekly Hack - SPECIAL SEGMENT,” interview with internet privacy expert Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO.

New to The Street TV re-airs Mr. John Lai, CEO / President, PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: PETV) (NASDAQ: PETVW), in-studio Nasdaq Marketplace interview with TV Anchor Jane King. John provides viewers with his corporate updates. The injectable patented Spryng with OsteoCushion Technology treats osteoarthritis and joint afflictions while providing rehabilitation treatments for horses and dogs and continues to grow as a reliable treatment. Veterinarians see continued successes, and dog and horse owners see excellent results with less pain and more mobilities. Since Spryng mimics cartilage and last about 1-year per injection, competitor products appear to be no match in cost-benefit comparisons. PETV’s corporate studies continue between Spryng and competitors’ products, giving veterinarians empirical, comprehensive, and marketable data. John talks about hiring seasoned personnel who became regional managers so the Company can handle and expand its growth. John announces its upcoming launch of petvivocares.org, a website dedicated to donating the Spryng product to charitable non-profit animal rescues and assistance organizations. “Word of Mouth” and conference participations seem to be the best form of marketing PETV’s Spryng with OsteoCushion Technology. Soon, PetVivo is rolling out its feline product for cats with osteoarthritis. This interview segment initially aired on April 10, 2022.

This week New to The Street TV re-airs Anchor Jane King‘s in-studio Nasdaq Marketplace interviews with Mr. Justin Waiau and Mr. Wes Wade, Co-founders at LGCY Network (CRYPTO: LGCY) ($LGCY). The Company is a blockchain entity with a community-based focus on a truly decentralized platform network. $LGCY will operate its blockchain on the TRON network, enabling crypto developers with the tools to create dApps (decentralized applications). Wade talks about its partnership with Diamond Atlas, a Venture Capital firm building a governance application. Once completed, the app will give end-users in the $LGCY community staking and dividend options. Justin explains that anyone can join the $LGCY community with their gas tokens to participate in the creation of dApps. The $LGCY community fund withholds 1/3 of the $LGCY token’s supply for staking, and the community votes on using the rewards from staking. The design of the staking rewards is for perpetuity, with available funds to foster and grow good ideas; a decentralized venture capital platform, with the community voting on the agreed funding projects. Favorable vote outcomes eliminate any single significant holder control over proposed project submissions. The perpetual debt fund, the Myriadex DEX (decentralized exchange), and the developers’ tools make for a remarkable $LGCY blockchain. Viewers can learn more about the $LGCY Network at https://lgcy.network/ and https://lgcyscan.network/. This interview segment initially aired on April 17, 2022.

Mr. Darren Franceshini, Chief Operations Officer (COO), BlockBank (CRYPTO: BBANK) ($BBANK), interview with Anchor Jane King re-airs on this week’s New to The Street TV show. BlockBank looks to create a unique and seamless user experience by harmonizing legacy and decentralized financial platforms. As an all-in-one crypto service platform, the Company seeks to help everyone with an enriched network of services, “all-things-crypto.” Anyone interested in crypto, from the novice to the most sophisticated users, can now have a one-stop source of information. Darren tells viewers about successes in the United Kingdom and the European Union with the BlockBank debit card feature that enables users to purchase goods with crypto or fiat currencies; the card becomes available in North America upon necessary regulatory approvals later in 2022. Anyone can join BlockBank, download from the Google Play and Apple App Store, apply, and provide KYC (Know Your Client) information. BlockBank members, using $BBANK tokens, gain access to premium features, 1%-8% cashback, strong APYs, and in-app offers. Viewers can learn more at https://www.blockbank.ai/. This interview segment initially aired on April 17, 2022.

Re-airing on this week’s New to The Street TV show is Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO,Sekur Private Data Ltd.’s (fka -GlobeX Data, Ltd.) (OTCQB: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT), interview with TV Anchor Jane King. Viewers receive an overview of Sekur Private Data Ltd.’s Sekur® cybersecurity products, and Alain talks about another global hacking problem. A phishing e-mail went out to 30,000+ account holders in Russia, which breached users’ WhatsApp accounts. Open-platform e-mail programs like Microsoft’s Office 365 and Google Workplace Solutions are vulnerable to hackers. Everyone should be concerned about privacy issues regarding the internet and e-mail transmissions. Alain explains the Sekur product solutions available for individuals and businesses. The newest domain integration for businesses is available, providing a layer of security not available using open-platform products. A company can seamlessly migrate its e-mail domains, archive files, and secure text messages with SekurSend and SekurReply. Sekur Private Data, Ltd. hosts its services in Switzerland, benefiting from the stringent Swiss Privacy law. It uses a closed source proprietary technology on an independent and military-grade encrypted platform. This interview segment initially aired on April 17, 2022.

This week, New to The Street TV re-airs its interview with Mr. Dennis Nguyen, Founder, CEO, and Chairman at Society Pass, Inc. (NASDAQ: SOPA). Talking in-studio at the Nasdaq Marketplace with TV Anchor Jane King, Dennis explains the Company’s loyalty rewards program. With business operations primarily in Southeast Asia and South Asia, Society Pass seeks to grow its digital ecosystem, creating loyalty rewards from merchants and consumers based on millions of daily transactions. With multiple business verticals in fashion, travel, food/beverage, and media, the growth continues at SOPA. Dennis talks about the power of women holding key positions at the Company, whose workforce is 60% women. South and Southeast Asia are a demographic with over 720 million people, the median age of 26-32, and 70% technology integrations, a compelling market for Society Pass. The Company went public on Nasdaq in 2021, and Dennis explains the many fiduciary responsibilities in building the next-generation digital ecosystem. Viewers can expect future interviews with updates on SOPA’s customer loyalty and merchant participation using its ecosystem. This interview segment initially aired on April 10, 2022.

Mr. George Waller’s, Executive Vice-President, StrikeForce Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: SFOR) in-studio New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) interview re-airs on this week’s New to The Street TV. Talking with TV Anchor Jane King, George gives the viewers an update on the Company and its SafeVchat™ Secure Video Conferencing platform. Before the Covid-19 outbreaks, the global market for video conference software products was about $2B, and now, 2-years later, the market is over $60B. Most products on the market have severe technological flaws which allow hackers to breach videos and steal viable and valuable information. George explains the very secure, technologically advanced SafeVchat software and its user growth. The healthcare sector continues to be a growing client at Strikeforce, so much so that Strikeforce applied for HIPPA approvals to ensure compliance necessary to work with healthcare providers. George provides an example of how medical providers can interact on location with patients, nurses, and other doctors using Strikeforce’s SafeVchat™ Secure Video Conferencing. This interview segment initially aired on April 17, 2022.

Rafael Groswirt, CEO at NoLimit Technology’s (CRYPTO: NLC2) ($NCL2) (“NoLimit”) interview is airing again on this week’s New to The Street TV. Rafael explains to TV Anchor Jane King and the viewers the NoLimitCoin’s betting protocol blockchain. Rafael explains how centralized sports betting platforms work, whereas money is on a single platform in a custodial account. Players on legacy sports betting platforms must submit to lengthy verification procedures to deposit or withdraw their funds in fiat currencies. NoLimitCoin is different because it is a decentralized platform with the end-user having total control of the money held in their wallet. Betting funds are immediate, except for the normal KYC (Know Your Client) verifications when opening accounts. The NoLimitCoin platform’s “Smart Contract” allows end-users to make multiple bets on several different sportsbook sites, not locking betters into only one site. The end-users receive their winnings into their crypto wallets, and NoLimit receives the platform fees. Rafael explains how the Company must be fully compliant with all State and Federal betting laws, rules, and regulations. He talks about the recent and pending approvals in overseas jurisdictions. The “Smart Contract” on betting wagers held in a decentralized platform makes NoLimitCoin a unique and user-friendly experience currently unavailable with large betting sites. DraftKings and FanDuel, the two most prominent sports betting sites, now control 90% of the industry and hold the majority of $5B in betting deposits. Rafael explains NoLimit’s goals of being the most attractive betting platform regarding cost, efficiency, and return for money. Viewers can learn more about NoLimit at https://nolimitcoin.org/. This interview segment initially aired on April 03, 2022.

The in-studio Nasdaq Marketplace interview with Yona Shtern, Chief Executive Officer, Hapbee Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: HAPBF) (TSXV: HAPB) is re-airing on this week’s New to The Street TV. Yona explains to TV Anchor Jane King and viewers Hapbee’s wellness platform devices, Hapbee Neckband, the Sleepbee Sleep Mask, and the Sleepbee Bed Topper. With 25 electronic signals designed to give humans the same sensations typically received from ingesting coffee, cigarettes, melatonin, etc. Customers benefit from these magnetic signals, which don’t have the usual side effects from oral consumption. Sleeping issues are the most common reason consumers contact Hapbee for products. The Company offers a 365-day consumer guarantee if users are not completely satisfied. Yona states that this guarantee in its marketing campaigns increased the demand for products. From their participation at the CSE 2022 show in Las Vegas, held in January 2022, the Company discovered another avenue for marketable demographics - large organizations, and he explained the marketing strategies. Veterans with PTSD, insomnia, and other challenges seek Hapbee products to help with their issues. Yona expects strong growth throughout 2022, and viewers can learn more about Hapbee and its products at https://hapbee.com/. This interview segment initially aired on April 03, 2022.

New to The Street / Newsmax TV Announces its Nine Corporate Interviews for this Week’s Broadcast, Sunday, April 24, 2022, 10-11 AM ET

New to The Street TV re-airs the “Weekly Hack - SPECIAL SEGMENT” about Sekur® with the internationally acclaimed internet privacy expert, Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO, Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (fka -GlobeX Data, Ltd.) (OTCQB: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT). Talking with TV Anchor Ann Berry, Alain provides information about “Spear Phishing” attacks that target open-platform exchange servers, like Microsoft and Google. Hackers hi-jack an e-mail account and send a separate e-mail that would be of interest or importance to the receiver. Not realizing the e-mail is malicious because recipients, in most cases, know the source, open the e-mail, and malware downloads onto their devices. Alain suggests using Sekur products, which have SekurSend and SekurReply features for e-mails and text messages. The Sekur subscribers can send e-mails safely and expect safe responses even if the e-mail recipients are not Sekur subscribers. Sekur subscribers can add expirations times, limit the number of times read, and add password protection on sent e-mails. Alain explains and emphasizes how Sekur Private Data, Ltd. operates its internet platforms and security businesses under the country of Switzerland’s very tough privacy laws. This interview segment initially aired on April 17, 2022. Remember: What is the price of your privacy worth?

About PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: PETV) (NASDAQ: PETVW):

PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: PETV) (NASDAQ: PETVW) is an emerging biomedical device company currently focused on the manufacturing, commercialization, and licensing of innovative medical devices and therapeutics for companion animals. The Company’s strategy is to leverage human therapies to treat companion animals in a capital and time-efficient way. A key component of this strategy is the accelerated timeline to revenues for veterinary medical devices that enter the market much earlier than more stringently regulated pharmaceuticals and biologics. PetVivo has a pipeline of seventeen products to treat animals and people. A portfolio of nineteen patents protects the Company’s biomaterials, products, production processes, and use methods. The Company’s lead product Spryng with OsteoCushion Technology, a veterinarian-administered, intraarticular injection to treat lameness and other joint-related affliction, including osteoarthritis, in dogs and horses, is currently available for commercial sale to veterinarians - https://petvivo.com/ & https://www.sprynghealth.com/.

About LGCY Network (CRYPTO: LGCY) ($LGCY):

LGCY Network (CRYPTO: LGCY) ($LGCY), founded in August 2020, works on delivering the promise of a truly decentralized blockchain. $LGCY is a DPoS, open-source blockchain protocol with industry-leading transaction speed and flexible utility, and the network aims to be the most decentralized dApp blockchain in the world. One of the shining points of the $LGCY network is the ability of developers to create dApps and customized wallets. The best part is that the applications and uses are limitless because of the capacity for smart contracts to be deployed and executed on its chain. The central focus of the $LGCY Network is the community. A DPoS-based blockchain utilizes a community voting system to determine project funding allocations. $LGCY smart contracts use USDL stablecoin as its gas fee. $LGCY’s goal is to be the most decentralized blockchain in existence - https://lgcy.network/ and https://lgcyscan.network/.

About BlockBank (CRYPTO: BBANK) ($BBANK):

BlockBank’s (CRYPTO: BBANK) ($BBANK) vision is to create an all-in-one crypto application that simplifies the user experience without compromising security, privacy, or decentralization. The Company aims to combine the best of DeFi and CeFi worlds in one place and incorporate AI technology to assist users in decision-making. Our objective is to expand the universe of global users and bring broader financial empowerment to them. In 2019, BlockBank launched its first mobile application. Since then, BlockBank has amassed over 50,000 users and will elevate its offerings with the launch of version 2, consisting of CeFi, DeFi, banking, and a Robo-advisor - https://www.blockbank.ai/.

About Sekur Private Data Ltd. (fka- GlobeX Data, Ltd.) (OTCQB: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT):

Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (fka- GlobeX Data, Ltd.) (OTCQB: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT) is a Cybersecurity and Internet privacy provider of Swiss hosted solutions for secure communications and secure data management. The Company distributes encrypted e-mails, secure messengers, secure communication tools, secure cloud-based storage, disaster recovery, and document management products. The Company sells and serves consumers, businesses, and governments worldwide through approved wholesalers, distributors, and telecommunications companies. Contact Sekur Private Data, Ltd. at corporate@globexdatagroup.com or visit https://www.sekurprivatedata.com and https://www.sekur.com.

About Society Pass, Inc. (NASDAQ: SOPA):

Society Pass, Inc. (NASDAQ: SOPA) is building the next-generation loyalty and data-focused marketing platform in Southeast Asia and South Asia. The Company’s technology ecosystem enables companies to work together synergistically, transforming how consumers and merchants interact. It is all about generating customer loyalty and revenues for merchants and ease of transactions for consumers. As more merchants and consumers register on the platform, more transaction data becomes available. More data generation creates opportunities for developing more loyalty programs - https://thesocietypass.com/.

About Strike Force Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: SFOR):

StrikeForce Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: SFOR) provides a suite of online products that helps prevent cyber theft and data breaches by protecting customers, employees, and partners in real-time at every vulnerable point. Our Products are ProtectID® which offers 2-factor “Out-of-Band” authentication across many methods and devices for protection. This approach leverages the 2nd network for entering or receiving passwords, which locks out hackers even if they have your username and password. Service is available for in-house, Cloud Service, or hybrid. (Patent Nos.: 7870599 & 8,484,698 & 8,713,701). GuardedID®, keyboard encryption and anti-keylogger that functions at the keyboard level, preventing keyloggers (viruses like Zeus, etc.) from stealing login and confidential information, becoming the #1 Consumer Threat noted by the FBI in the 2010-2013 Verizon Data Breach Reports. Three Patents for keystroke encryption, US Patents 8,566,608; 8,732,483; and 8,973,107 and two pending patents. MobileTrust® is an iPhone/iPad and Android all-device password vault with a strong password generator. MobileTrust also includes a Mobile Multi-Factor OTP authenticator and keystroke encryption between its virtual keyboard and secured browser, critical to all confidential online transactions and other features (One International Patent Pending). Our new product, secure SafeVchat, is a video conferencing product. The Company’s fifth product is PrivacyLoK, a keystroke encryption product that manages your camera & video - https://www.strikeforcetech.com/.

About NoLimit Technology (CRYPTO: NLC2) ($NCL2):

NoLimit Technology (CRYPTO: NLC2) ($NCL2) (“NoLimit”) provides the opportunity for people all over the world to experience the joy of playing fantasy sports without the strict regulations and high expenses that are characteristic of existing fantasy sports platforms. By implementing NoLimitCoin (Symbol: NLC2), NoLimit is the first online fantasy sports platform to harness blockchain technology. Built on blockchain technology, NoLimit offers four primary benefits which combine to provide a better fantasy sports experience to all users: significantly reduced fees, a fast and easy verification process, practically instant deposits and automatic withdrawals, and protection against unfair practices. This application of cryptocurrencies will revolutionize the fantasy sports industry by providing a fast, secure, and cheap method to fund and reward player accounts- https://nolimitcoin.org/.

About Hapbee Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: HAPBF) (TSXV: HAPB):

Hapbee Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: HAPBF) (TSXV: HAPB) is a leading wearable wellness technology platform with a mission to help people improve their wellbeing and enhance how they feel. The Company is the creator of the Hapbee Neckband, the Sleepbee Sleep Mask, and the Sleepbee Bed Topper, which are all powered by patented ultra-low radiofrequency energy (ulRFE®) bio-streaming platform. The frequency delivers low-power electromagnetic signals and blends designed to help optimize its users’ sleep, productivity, recovery, and downtime. Hapbee has offices in Montreal, Seattle, and Phoenix. Hapbee products are available for purchase at Hapbee.com and through a growing network of authorized Hapbee dealers - https://hapbee.com/.

About FMW Media:

FMW Media operates one of the longest-running US and International sponsored and Syndicated Nielsen Rated programming TV brands, “New to The Street” and its blockchain show “Exploring The Block.” Since 2009, these brands have run biographical interview segment shows across major U.S. Television networks. The TV platforms reach over 540 million homes in the US and international markets. FMW’s New to The Street / Newsmax TV broadcasting platform airs its syndication on Sundays at 10 -11 AM ET. FMW is also one of the nation’s largest buyers of linear television long and short-form - https://www.newsmaxtv.com/Shows/New-to-the-Street & https://www.newtothestreet.com/.

Forward-Looking Statements Disclaimer:

This press release contains forward-looking statements within Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “ongoing,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “should,” “will,” “would,” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. However, not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times at which such performance or results are achieved. This press release should be considered in all filings of the Companies contained in the Edgar Archives of the Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov.


FMW Media Contact:
Bryan Johnson
+1 (631) 766-7462

“New to The Street” Business Development office.

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