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Location: Home / Technology / EVE Anywhere Officially Launches, Allowing Players to Conquer the Stars from their Web Browser

EVE Anywhere Officially Launches, Allowing Players to Conquer the Stars from their Web Browser

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In the ever-expanding EVE Online universe, CCP Games has definitely not rested on their laurels. While the studio may struggle with certain technology like the blockchain, its commitment to the players has always been quite clear. The latest effort is set to be a crowdpleaser with the launch of EVE Anywhere, a cloud-based platform for EVE Online, now allowing players to command their fleets on the go.

EVE Anywhere Officially Launches, Allowing Players to Conquer the Stars from their Web Browser

Players can access the platform via Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari on any desktop or laptop computer, without the need for beefy hardware. This is made possible with the help of Intel technology, allowing CCP to remotely access high-capacity computing via the cloud.

With EVE Anywhere, players can essentially play the game wherever they can find a computer, making a seamless switch between the actual launcher and a browser. The platform was first available as a beta test back in August 2021, and after what CCP stated was a favorable reception, it is now live and free for all EVE subscribers.

“EVE Anywhere was incredibly well-received by those testing it in beta over the past year. We truly appreciate you Capsuleers who tried it out and shared invaluable feedback to help us improve the experience,” said Bergur Finnbogason, EVE Online’s Creative Director. “Thanks to all of your help, we’re finally ready to get EVE Anywhere into your hands, no matter your browser preferences.”

For now, EVE Online is only available to the USA and select European territories, and can be accessed by logging into your account on the game’s official website.

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