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Umístění: Domov / Technika / Indonesia Encourages Digital Preparedness through Upskilling and Reskilling – OpenGov Asia

Indonesia Encourages Digital Preparedness through Upskilling and Reskilling – OpenGov Asia

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The Minister of Communications and Informatics Johnny G. Plate encourages everyone to continue to improve their quality of life in line with the projected number and types of new jobs due to technology adoption. It is projected that there will be 85 million old jobs that may be lost and 97 million new jobs that may appear, this is due to the division of labour between humans, machines and algorithms. The new jobs require a high level of digital skills and soft skills.

A report shows that in 2025 there will be 43% of industry players who reduce or reduce the number of workers as a consequence of the application of technology integration. Increasing digital skills and soft skills in line with technological developments for the workforce, especially the younger generation of Indonesia, can be done through upskilling and reskilling.

The government will continue to encourage the private sectors in Indonesia from various fields to fulfil human resource needs that are in line with future needs. Therefore, the government certainly welcomes private sector initiatives in developing human resources.

The government under the leadership of President Joko Widodo for the 2019-2024 period has five important points, one of which is human resource development. Besides human resource development, the government also accelerates and continues infrastructure development, invites the widest possible investment to create jobs, reforms the bureaucracy.

Indonesia Encourages Digital Preparedness through Upskilling and Reskilling – OpenGov Asia

Amid demands for improving the quality of human resources and talent management, the focus of human resource development is also directed at increasing the nation’s competitiveness. A great nation is a nation that has strong and great human resources.

Specifically, in improving superior human resources, the government continues to strengthen investment in education, among others through the expansion of scholarship programs, adoption of information and communication technology, cultural advancement, strengthening of world-class universities, as well as research and innovation development.

In addition, the Government has also carried out massive infrastructure development, especially in the first period of President Joko Widodo’s leadership. According to the Minister of Communication and Informatics, entering the current era of digital transformation, the development of digital infrastructure has been and is being accelerated by the Government and its partners and needs to be balanced with improving the quality of human resources.

As reported by OpenGov Asia, in the measurement of the Indonesia Digital Literacy Index 2021, Digital Culture has the highest score. The pillar of Digital Culture was recorded with a score of 3.90 on a scale of 5 or good. Furthermore, the pillars of Digital Ethics (digital ethics) with a score of 3.53 and Digital Skills with a score of 3.44. Meanwhile, the Digital Safety pillar got the lowest score (3.10) or slightly above average. The measurement of this digital literacy index is not only to find out the status of digital literacy in Indonesia but also to ensure that efforts to increase people’s digital literacy are more targeted.

The four pillars that form the Digital Literacy Index are measured annually by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. This year the Indonesian Digital Literacy Index is at a score of 3.49 or at a moderate and close to a good stage. The use of the four pillars in this measurement refers to the 2020-2024 Indonesia Digital Literacy Roadmap compiled by the Ministry of Communication and Information, based on previous national research and refers to similar measurements held by UNESCO.